A different, but great Friday 5 about the week!

January 31, 2014

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you guys had a great week. Mine was different than usual, but it definitely was a fantastic week.
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(1) My day off! Monday I used a vacation day. It has been a long month at work getting back to everything from the holidays. We at work have been really busy and I was exhausted. Monday could not have been a better day off. It was sunny, beautiful, and around 60 degrees. I slept until 10:30, had a killer leg work out, and cleaned the apartment with the windows open, county music blasting, and the sun shinning through. Kelly came by after the gym for dinner, too!

It felt great to burn lots of calories.

Delicious post workout meal of a Quest Bar and spinach, feta, cranberry, and walnut salad.

Blasting country music makes cleaning a lot of fun. I know I am late, but I love this song.

The sun was so beautiful and I loved having the windows open. I long for Spring and Summer!

Tuesday, I awoke to the news that Charlotte was expecting snow. What a change! We go from having a beautiful, Spring like day, and then the next thing you know, snow is coming. What a bummer. But guess what?! Tuesday (2) I wore pants that have not fit in over a year and a half! I was so, so happy! Seeing the changes to your body and then feeling it with your clothes is so awesome.

When I got to work, my boss told me he was letting everyone leave at 3PM in order to have plenty of time to get home and try to avoid the snow. I'll take it! I went to the gym when I got off of work. As soon as I walked out of the doors close to 5, it started to snow. I quickly ran across the street to "Earthfare" to grab a couple bottles of wine, because duh! That is the snow survival must have. Plus, Kelly decided to stay with me. What fun is being snowed in alone?! (3) A snowed in sleepover is totally required. 

We had a lot of fun. We had spaghetti squash for dinner, watched the movie "Carrie", got a little tipsy, and talked for hours. She and I see each other everyday and still never run out of things to talk and laugh about. I love my best friend so much. Kels if you're reading this, don't get used to it. :)

Marty was not a huge fan.

I however, thought it was beautiful.

Thankfully, Kelly and I did not stay up too late, because Wednesday, I was only on a one-hour delay for work. The roads were pretty bad though. Charlotte is not built or ready for snow and ice. We rarely ever get it. I could have worked from home, but I had a lot of meetings to attend, especially because I record minutes, and doing that via teleconference is a disaster. So... I called a taxi! Ha! I drive a Mustang Convertible and in no way shape or form is that car meant to drive in weather conditions such as that. Luckily, I only live 2 and a half miles from my work so an $8 taxi ride was worth it. Except that the driver was 20 minutes late, talked on his cell phone my entire drive, and slid twice. It was a heart attack waiting to happen. I made it in one piece though. Barely. 

After work, I was dead tired. I blame it on the wine and snow. I skipped the gym and went home to catch up on "Teen Mom 2" and "Vanderpump Rules". Ha, don't judge me. Marty and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yesterday I realized I needed to stock up on my Quest Bars. (4) Did you know there is a new flavor out?! Cookies and creme! I of course had to stock up and buy one. These bars are like crack for clean eaters so I am excited to try the new one today. Have you tried it? Let me know what you think.

For once, (5)I hit the gym in the morning. I am the worst ever when it comes to trying to work out in the morning. I have no energy, I hate my life, and I hate the world. True story. However, after work I am ready to go. But I pushed hard through the freezing cold and got my butt there to train. I go for my doctor's appointment at noon to get my B12 injection and see if I lost any weight this past week! Fingers crossed. Oh and the only reason I trained this morning is because I am meeting my friends after work for half priced wine. Ha!

Have a great weekend everyone!

When you want to lose weight, but have no idea where to start

January 29, 2014

I get asked the question a lot, what did you do to lose weight? That question is usually followed by the comment; "I want to lose weight, but I have no idea what to do or how to get started". Losing weight is so simple, unbelievably simple. However, even though it is simple, it is not easy. To lose weight all you need to do is eat clean, exercise, and stay motivated. It sounds simple, right? Repeat those steps everyday and you will be able to lose weight.

I sincerely believe the biggest obstacle people struggle with is staying motivated. Unfortunately motivation is not something you can buy. There is no magic motivation pill you can pop once a day, nor a surgical procedure you can go under for and be done with it. Motivation comes deep within yourself and it is something that you have to push yourself with everyday on your journey.

When I decided that I had to lose weight, It was a Tuesday afternoon in September of 2008. I was 19 years old. I was at the doctor's office and a nurse had just weighed me and took my blood pressure as they always do when a patient comes from an appointment. I felt numb. I was 19 years old and weighed 276 pounds. I had gained 116 pounds in two years. Throughout high school, especially my senior year, I stayed very muscular and fit. However, I graduated early, and from January 2007 to September 2008, life to me meant nothing but partying, binging, fast food, and skipping the gym. I was at the doctor that September day to talk to my MD about depression. I had been battling it off and on. I would shower with the lights off because I could not stand to see myself naked. I would cry in the dressing rooms of any stores I was in because clothes never fit me correctly. I started to never see my friends because I hated going out with them. I was the fattest and ugliest of the group, so why even bother to go out? I just wanted to stay home and feel sorry for myself. And I wanted food to comfort me. 

When my doctor came in the room to talk to me, I told her what I was going through. We talked for about half an hour and she thought I should see a Psychologist. She was just a small town medical Doctor and she concluded that my problems were better fit for a Psychologist to evaluate. When I left, I sat in my car and replayed the conversation that just ensued and I thought really hard about what I told her. My problems sounded different when I said them aloud. For the first time, I told someone why I was feeling depressed. It was then sitting in my car, that I decided I had to lose weight. I had to change my life. I was 19 years old and I should be in the best shape of my life - having the best time of my life. My depression was not due to a neurological chemical imbalance to where I would need medication, it was because I loathed myself so much.

When I arrived home from the doctor, I started my research. That is how I initially got started. I did a lot of research to make myself learn. I could not afford a fancy weight loss program or a trainer to do all of the work for me and I just follow their lead. I knew that I wanted to learn so my change could be permanent. I went online and looked up YouTube videos for exercise and healthy eating, I would look up clean eating recipes, the benefits of lean proteins, vegetables, fiber, and carbohydrates - and examples of each of those food groups. I learned the difference between a simple and complex carbohydrate as well as monounsatured and trans fats. I would read and print pictures and instructions on different weight lifting exercises and the various types of cardio such as endurance and high intensity interval training. I worked for what I wanted. If I wanted to lose weight, I needed to learn how to do it correctly. I ordered books and magazines on nutrition and fitness. There are also a plethora of weight loss blogs and websites online filled with writers who are willing to help people, such as myself! If you want to lose weight but have no idea where to start, feed your brain with information. 

After I had an idea on what to eat, I consciously made myself make better choices. That evening after I read on nutrition and fitness, I made a clean dinner. My dinner consisted of a lean protein, vegetables, and a complex carbohydrate. I made progress. I was learning, and my first step to a clean meal was successful. Next, I sat down to write out and schedule my days so I could always ensure I have a designated time to exercise. Then I woke up the next morning and had a clean breakfast. Later that day, I said no to soda. After that I avoided picking up fast food on the way home from class. These tiny, insignificant choices that one makes throughout their day completely add up when you are on a weight loss journey. Good choices are constantly made, time goes by, and the next thing you know, it has been a week and you lost 8 pounds. 

If you want to lose weight, you can start right now. If you are drinking a sugary soda, toss it. Grab a glass of water. Are you going out for dinner? Order water to drink and order lean protein such as turkey, chicken, or fish and ask the cooks to prepare it with as little butter and salt as possible. Take an hour from your day to dedicate to exercise. Instead of watching TV, playing Candy Crush, or checking out Facebook, devote that time to a good work out. If you want something in life, it is up to you to make it happen. Excuses will not get you anywhere, and finally on that day in 2008, I was ready to give the excuses up. 

As your weight loss journey progresses, eating clean and exercising will become a habit. It truly becomes second nature. It has been scientifically shown it takes 21 days to create a habit. And it is true. When you first start clean eating and exercise, it is really hard. I can't take the hard away from it. Nor can anyone else. It is just something you have to push through if you really want it. 

Here is when the best part starts to come alive The incredible feelings. The feeling when you are able to be satisfied from food - not miserably full. The feeling of energy that comes from your clean meals. I feel like I am ready to take on the world after I eat healthy. I do not have that "food coma" feeling where I am miserable and want to fall asleep. Aside from proper food choices, you have the accomplishments with working out; be it in the gym, at home, or elsewhere. I pushed through a hard workout and my body is tingling of success (that is one of my personal favorites). Your endorphin's are going crazy. I started off not being able to run a mile, now I can run 5 without stopping. I previously could only do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 12 pound dumbbell curls, but now I can do 3 sets of 15 - with proper form. I can go harder. I can go faster. I can go longer. I look in the mirror and see myself shrinking. The pants that were too tight a month ago, are now falling off of my waist. I can see my body getting toned. I can flex my arm and see definition starting to appear.  Your hard work comes to a surface. You finally understand and you finally appreciate the hard work you have put in. These are your rewards. And they keep you going. I want to be better than I was yesterday and I can't wait to be better than that tomorrow. 

One of the bonuses about losing weight that no one really talks about is how your accomplishments effect the rest of your life. I find that I want to be a better person at my job. I want to be a better friend. I want to set harder goals. I feel so much better about myself and I have learned to love myself more than I thought possible. I proved that I can work hard and stay dedicated to improve my body and health, and I also happen to strength my mind. My confidence. My self worth. Anyone can lose weight and you get started right now. Start by making healthier choices whenever you can. Do not overwhelm yourself, just take it one step at a time. You will not lose all of the weight you want in a day, week, month, or probably even 2 months. It takes time. It takes dedication, consistency, motivation from within, and if you want to start, take initiative and do it right now. Learn anything you can about proper nutrition and exercise, talk to your friends, talk to a trainer, buy books, obtain free material online - there are millions of sources. Once you gain some knowledge, execute it by making one healthy choice at a time. 

I'm there with you! On November 25th 2013, I had to almost start over. I am building myself up again from a hard year with a lot of obstacles. And I am doing it, one bite and one calorie at a time.

The Hump Day Blog Hop!

Hey guys! I am so excited you have come over. We are halfway through the week and the hump day camel is too freaking cool, so I decided to start a weekly blog hop to celebrate.

This is a little different than a link up. To participate, simply add your blog link. There is no required entry or anything like that. This is about networking, making new friends, and finding new blogs.

All I ask:

1) "The Hump Day" blog hop button button be displayed anywhere on your blog page or a specific entry with a link back to me or the weekly co-host. (Please do this. These blog hops take a lot of work and preparation.)
2) You don't have to follow me, but in the words of Blake Shelton: it'd sure be cool if ya did.
3) Please follow the co-host. I love helping and promoting these amazing women in the blog world! I do this to not only meet new people, but help my friends make new friends and readers.
4) Mingle with your fellow Bloggers.
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The Hump Day Blog Hop

Please join me in welcoming this weeks co-host; Amanda!

Voyage of the Mee Mee

Her blog is "Voyage of the MeeMee". Amanda is not only drop dead gorgeous but absolutely hilarious. I love reading her posts, especially yesterday's "Valentine's Day is Stupid". She is an animal lover, shopaholic, book worm, beauty fanatic, food junkie, nap lovin' fool. A 20-something who still uses her fingers to count. I can't sing, but, I do anyway. I can't dance, but, I do anyway. Nothing is more important to me than my friends, family, dog, and doggy Daddy. If I could travel anywhere, I would go to Hogwarts. Honestly, what is not to love about this girl?

The Hump Day Blog Hop

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

PS: I have never done this before, but I would like to do a Q&A for my blog. Is there anything you would like to know? Be it health, fitness, life, weight loss, cooking - anything?! You can ask anonymously, just please be nice! ask.fm/FitnessBlondieL

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

January 27, 2014

I used to post this a while back, but I stopped when I really fell off of the bandwagon. Then in November when I started from scratch with a brand new journey to re-establish myself, I did not want to share my eating with you guys, because I did not want any of you to copy it. Initially I kept my carbohydrate intake really low, plus extremely intense training. However, I could do that because of vitamin B12, 6, and 1 shots I was getting twice a week at my doctor. But now I am on a more realistic path and only receiving a B12 shot once a week. 25 pounds lost in the past 8 weeks! This is my nutrition plan I follow Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday, I still keep my meals clean, but I will switch it up. I usually have a cheat meal for dinner on Saturday and Sunday as well.

Meal 1 (7:15 AM)
3 egg whites, 2 tablespoons of fat free cottage cheese, a handful of spinach, 2 tablespoons of low fat feta, and Garlic and Wine Seasoning all cooked together via stovetop.

Meal 2 (10:30 AM)
1 Quest Bar (the flavor changes day to day) and a large apple.

Meal 3 (1:30 PM)
GardenIn vegetarian mandarin "chick'n" and fresh asparagus (cooked via stovetop with fat free Parkay butter spray and Garlic and Wine Seasoning)

Meal 4 (4:00 PM) [Pre-workout Meal]
80 calorie Dannon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt with a handful of fresh blueberries and 15 plain almonds

Gym: 5-6:30

Meal 5 (7:00 PM) [Post-workout Meal]
2 Peanut Butter Protein Muffins *This week I made them with coconut flour instead of oats

Meal 6 (8:30 PM) 
Spaghetti squash topped with 3oz of 99% fat free ground turkey, organic tomato sauce, and two tablespoons of low fat Feta.

Bed time: 11 PM

Monday: (Legs) - done! (796 calories burned)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Leg Workout:
   -Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
   - Leg Extension (3 x 15, 50 pounds)
   - Leg Curl (3 x 15, 110 pounds)
   - Leg Press (3 x 15, 270 pounds)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline, 9 and Resistance, 9)

Tuesday: (Core)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
- 3 sets of 30 second planks
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  20 elevated leg crunches
-20 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Wednesday: (Weights)
-25 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Weight Circuit
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I left weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Tredmill (HIIT: Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Thursday: (Core)
-30 minutes of cardio: StairMill (A mild HIIT: Level is switch between the highest which is 20 and level 5 for my rest. Work is 1 minute, rest is two minutes)
- 3 sets of 30 second planks
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  20 elevated leg crunches
-20 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Friday: (Weights)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Weight Circuit
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I left weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 9)

Rest and relaxation

Sunday: (legs)
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Leg Workout:
   -Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
   - Leg Extension (3 x 15, 50 pounds)
   - Leg Curl (3 x 15, 110 pounds)
   - Leg Press (3 x 15, 270 pounds)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline, 9 and Resistance, 9)

**I would like to do a Q&A on my blog soon. Is there anything you want to know or curious about? Weight loss, health, fitness, life? You can ask me here. You can be anonymous, but please be nice.**
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A wonderful weekend recap with a progress picture!

January 26, 2014

Oh, baby! There is not much better than a 3-day weekend. Especially when it is filled with friends and family. I have been thoroughly enjoying myself!

Friday, I was really, really tired. It was freezing in Charlotte, too. My body is not made for this cold weather we have been having lately. I worked all day, and on my lunch hour went to my doctor to get my weekly vitamin B12 injection. As always, I has them weigh me. I lost 2 pounds last week! I am now down 25 pounds since November 25th. Only 15 more pounds until I am back to my normal weight before all of the medical issues I endured last year. But I am not stopping there. When I think about it, it really sucks that I have been working so damn hard over the past 8 weeks and that I am trying to get back to where I was a year ago. It depresses me, but bad things are going to happen in life and we just have to keep going.

Thankfully after work, it was my rest day from the gym. I could barely keep my eyes open so I was looking forward to going home. However, I went to Target and Harris Teeter to get groceries first. While in the store, I had the funnest recipe pop into my head to make for dinner! I have decided to name it "Fit Spinach Lasagna Rolls". They are absolutely delicious. I will have the recipe up soon. I need to ensure the nutritional information and write the recipe out. I was kind of winging it Friday night!

I paired it with a glass of "Roscato" (Thanks Meredith!) and dinner was delicious. I also watched "The Butler" - which by the way was a great movie!

I ended up falling asleep at 10:30 and got a solid 9 hours of sleep. It was glorious! I woke up ready to go Saturday morning at 7:30. I was productive, too! I did a load of laundry and packed for my grandparent's. I went to the gym around 10. All I can say is, holy shit what a work out! It was such a good training session. A good carbohydrate load the night before, a solid night of sleep, and a rest day from the gym made for the best work out. I did 30 minutes on the Ellitpical, a 12 minute inclined walk - on the highest level, and then did an upper body weight circuit. I was soaked when I left. 

It was then time to go back to the apartment and get ready so I could drive to Greensboro for the night!


I drove 2 and half hours north of Charlotte to stay with my grandparents for the night. I did not see them over Christmas, so we needed to catch up. I am insanely close with them; they are like another set of parents to me. 

Oh, and how beautiful is their home? 

(^ My bedroom)

I had the best time, I always do. My grandmother is my best friend. We can talk for hours and it feels like 5 minutes. For dinner, my Papa grilled porkchops and my grandmother prepared salad's. They would not let me help so I enjoyed myself reading my Kindle by the fire in the sunroom. It was so cozy, especially with it not only being so cold, but windy.

Papa loves to talk and tell me old stories about when he was growing up. They are hilarious. He told me literally about how he had to walk to school in the snow when he lived in New York. True story - hilarious.

Finally, dinner was ready. Every time I stay with my grandparents, papa grills me porkchops. I normally never eat them, but his have the key to my heart. They are spicy, tasty, and most of all; tender.

After dinner I was in a food coma. My grandmother and I talked more, then I settled in upstairs to read and relax. Unfortunately, I slept like crap. I fell asleep around 11 PM, but kept waking up every single hour. I finally gave up on sleep at 7:30 AM. I have been paying for it today. I have been SO, so tired. I had breakfast with my grandmother then took off back to Charlotte shortly after.

When I got back to the apartment I cleaned up some then it the gym. Only 40 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical today. That was all I had in me. Tomorrow since I am off of work, I am going early in the afternoon when the gym is most empty and killing my legs I can't. After the gym, I food prepped.

Whoo, I am glad that is done. Lastly, I wanted to share a progress picture! I am down 25 pounds total, but the below picture is a 12 pound difference. It feels great to see results. I am just going to keep pushing!

I am officially toast, so tired. I am settled in to watch the Grammy's. I can't wait to see Beyonce open the show. How was your weekend?

A great 5 for Friday this week!

January 23, 2014

Hello ladies! We made it... tomorrow is Friday. I for one am super duper glad. It has been long week. It has actually been a long month. Since the holidays have ended, my company has hit the ground running - full sprint. I am pooped. Thus I am taking a 3-day weekend, double YAY! Since today is a day of fun linkup's, let me get to my 5 on a Friday and high 5 for Friday.
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Monday I woke up to another cold trying to make it is way into my body. I stayed doped up on Zicam, Emergen-C, and cold medicine. I took the night off from the gym and went home to rest after work. Since Monday was a pretty day and not too cold, a lot of birds were flying around. Marty was hilarious. He literally goes nuts when birds are around. I caught some funny pictures of him.

Tuesday I felt back to normal, thank goodness. It was the usual work day. On my lunch hour, I went to Old Navy because I had $10 in Old Navy "cash" and they have really good clearance stuff. I did good! I bought a pair of pants, a sequin tank top, necklace, and earrings for only $25. A complete new outfit! That is what I call being a diva on a budget! I rocked it on Wednesday, I love the design on the pants.

Tuesday night, Kelly and I hit the gym like we usually do for a cardio and core workout. She decided to spend the night with me after. I love how she is 29 and I am 24 and we still have sleepover's - even though we both have own apartments, ha! We had so much fun. A killer work out, getting tipsy off a couple bottles of wine, and watching trashy reality shows. Is there anything better?

I made the best dinner for she and I. It was chicken grilled via stove top that had been marinating in balsamic vingerette and cut up into pieces over a bed of spinach, and topped with feta, dried cranberries, and plain walnuts. It was so, so good. It was filled with so many different tastes and everything complimented each other so well.

Remember my headband that I bought for the first time on Saturday? It was the first headband that I have bought in at least 10 years. Well, it's safe to say I. am. obsessed. I have worn it everyday! Now I am going to have to go back to Ulta to buy more colors and styles! It's so fun.

Today I finished the second book of the "Original Sinners" series. I am so addicted to this book series. If you are into BDSM or even slightly intrigued by it, you will thoroughly enjoy the series. There are twists, turns, romance, action, adventure, desire, and the books are so much fun and easy to read. I bought and started the third book; "The Prince" on my lunch hour. Oh and of course I had the above salad again, ha!

After work today, I had the best workout at the gym. I had an hour of high intensity interval training. I did 40 minutes on the Elliptical then 20 minutes on the tredmill. I swear, using such high incline (the highest available) on those machines work wonders on thighs and glutes. I felt like a million bucks after. I pushed hard. After the gym I decided to make breakfast for dinner. I had two eggs over easy, fresh from my mama's farm, and I even made "paleo" biscuits with my coconut flour. As I mentioned earlier this week, I have not had the best of luck thus far with my recipes, but the biscuits were actually great. I will have the recipe up next week.

The Hump Day Blog Hop!

January 22, 2014

Hey guys! I am so excited you have come over. We are halfway through the week and the hump day camel is too freaking cool, so I decided to start a weekly blog hop to celebrate.

This is a little different than a link up. To participate, simply add your blog link. There is no required entry or anything like that. This is about networking, making new friends, and finding new blogs.

All I ask:

1) "The Hump Day" blog hop button button be displayed anywhere on your blog page or a specific entry with a link back to me or the weekly co-host. (Please do this. These blog hops take a lot of work and preparation.)
2) You don't have to follow me, but in the words of Blake Shelton: it'd sure be cool if ya did.
3) Please follow the co-host. I love helping and promoting these amazing women in the blog world! I do this to not only meet new people, but help my friends make new friends and readers.
4) Mingle with your fellow Bloggers.
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The Hump Day Blog Hop

Please join me in welcoming today's co host; Jessica!

Jess has the cutest blog; Wifesticated. She is one of my best friends in this crazy world we call Blogging. She has been with me since day one on here and her loyalty is like no other. She lives in beautiful southern California, loves sports, lives on a dirt road in San Diego (who would have thought), and lots of adorable animals. She is one of kind and I am so blessed to be able call her friend. You have to go tell her hi and follow her crazy journey through life.

The Hump Day Blog Hop

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)