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June 2, 2014

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Two nights a week I have "treat" meals - whatever I choose. They are usually Saturday and Sunday night, but it does vary. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week before what I want to have for meals, make the grocery list, and prep the food on Sunday's. A lot of times people will ask me if I get bored eating the same thing everyday. The answer is no. It is only 5 days a week that I eat the same thing. I eat to live - not live to eat. It took me a long time to come to that.  I also do this to save money. I live alone so I can't really cook tons of different things during the week because it's too expensive and will go bad. There are also ways you can switch up your eating day to day. Like my Quest Bars for instance; I eat a different flavor everyday, same with my yogurt. You can read here for meal prep ideas!

Total down (since 11/25/13):  54 pounds!

Meal 1 (7:15 AM)

Meal 2 (4 10:30 AM)

Meal 3 (1:15 PM)

Meal 4 (3:45 PM) 
1 pack of Kay's Natural protein chips and fresh grapes

Gym 4:30-6PM

Meal 5 (6:30 PM) [Post workout]
1/4 cup of plain grits with 2 tablespoons of turkey bacon pieces

Meal 6 (9 PM)
4 oz. Turkey meatloaf with fresh asparagus, and dark red kidney beans.

Bed time 11PM
Sunday: (Hiking) - done!
10 miles of hiking at Crowder's Mountain

Monday: (Weights) - done!
-30 minutes of cardio: StairMill (80 SPM regular work and 70 SPM with skipping every other step, 60 SPM for resting work - alternating all 3 levels every 3-4 minutes. Rest work is only 1 minute)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)

Tuesday: (Core)
-25 minutes of cardio: StairMill (80 SPM regular work and 70 SPM with skipping every other step, 60 SPM for resting work - alternating all 3 levels every 3-4 minutes. Rest work is only 1 minute)
- 3 sets of 45 second planks
- 3 sets of "Russian Twists" with a 10 pound weight plate
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  10 elevated leg crunches
-20 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9 and 12, Resistance 10)

Wednesday: (Weights)
-15 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 3 minutes at 3.2 speed and 12 incline and rest 2 minutes at 3.4 speed and 0 incline. No holding onto the tredmill at all)
-15 minutes of cardio (Elliptical: Incline 9/10, Resistance 10)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-10 minutes cardio: StairMill (5 minutes at 80 SPM and 5 minutes at 60 SPM. No holding onto machine)

Thursday: (Core)
-20 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 3 minutes at 3.2 speed and 12 incline and rest 2 minutes at 3.4 speed and 0 incline. No holding onto the tredmill at all)
-10 minutes of cardio (Elliptical: Crossramp 9/10, Resistance 10)
- 3 sets of 45 second planks
- 3 sets of "Russian Twists" with a 10 pound weight plate
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  10 elevated leg crunches
-10 minutes cardio: StairMill (5 minutes at 80 SPM and 5 minutes at 60 SPM. No holding onto machine)
Friday: (Legs)
-20 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 9 and 10)
-Leg Workout:
   -Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
   - Leg Extension (3 x 15, 50 pounds)
   - Leg Curl (3 x 15, 110 pounds)
   - Leg Press (3 x 10, 270 pounds)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline, 9/12 and Resistance, 9)
-Hard, long Stretch

Saturday: (Rest)


  1. Oh yay! I'm excited for the stir fry recipe! I don't mind eating the same thing all week, I just feel like I've been eating the same thing for years every time I go into diet-mode... bleh!

  2. Oh nice I love this! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. The stir fry looks good! You are rocking the workouts and getting stronger! Keep it up!

  4. I can't wait to see the recipe for the Stir Fry!

    OH, I made the chocolate protein cake for our Breakfast for last weekend (with some leftovers for this week) and HOW STINKING TASTY IS THAT? And super easy to make!


    Keep rocking girly!

  5. Can't wait for the Stir Fry recipe! It looks so delish!! Girl you are doing awesome! Keep rocking those workouts!!!

  6. GET IT GIRL!!! I love it. I still don't know how you eat the same thing every day for 5 days.. but obviously it's working for you!!! Cant wait for the stir fry recipe.. I love me some good stir fry!! Love youuuuu

  7. this is awesome Liz!! can't wait to see the recipe for the pasta :)

  8. Thanks to u I have yet again decides to quit diet coke. This my 3rd day without it.
    if only I could start working out like you and quit giving into temptation.

    Your workout of the week is incredible...just 1 rest

  9. So jealous of your hikes!! Chicago is so dang flat!

  10. I am excited to see your stir fry! I love a good stir fry recipe! They are great because you can usually sub anything and it just works.

  11. OMG!! You look so damn good and so does the stir fry. I could just eat both! j/k... just the stir fry :)

  12. You look amazing! :D I need some of your dedication.

  13. I am not a huge stir fry fan, but that looks really good!


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