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June 4, 2014

The Hump Day Blog Hop!

Happy Hump Day everyone! We are halfway through the week and the hump day camel is too freaking cool, so lets have some fun and a blog hop to celebrate.

This is a little different than a link up. To participate, simply add your blog link. There is no required entry or anything like that. This is about networking, making new friends, and finding new blogs.

All I ask:
1) "The Hump Day" blog hop button button be displayed anywhere on your blog page or a specific entry with a link back to me or the weekly co-host. (Please do this. These blog hops take a lot of work and preparation.)
2) You don't have to follow me, but in the words of Blake Shelton: it'd sure be cool if ya did.
3) Please follow the co-host. I love helping and promoting these amazing women in the blog world! I do this to not only meet new people, but help my friends make new friends and readers.
4) Mingle with your fellow Bloggers.

Image Map
The Hump Day Blog Hop

Please join me in welcoming this weeks co-host, one of the most inspiring (and hilarious) women I have ever had met in blogging; Val @ "Fab Chick Gets Fit"



  1. I was gonna link up but the link up isn't showing :(

    1. It's working now... sorry about that, no idea what happened!

  2. Liz, this is such a wonderfully inspirational story!! I actually needed this story right now in my life. Thank you for sharing it!!

  3. Still can't get over my excitement for you!! YAYYY! You so deserve it!

  4. i saw your article on huff today!! congrats, Liz; so awesome xoxoxo

  5. Congrats and more power on your new endeavor Liz!!!


  6. Oh EM GEE!! I am so excited for your article on Huffington Post that I about jumped out of my seat! I am even more excited for your progress. You look so good and I am ecstatic that your hard work and dedication continues to persevere to reach your goal!

  7. Ack, I am a little late to the party today! But, doing things from my laptop is sooo much different than my work computer... Come over an Hop to my Hump Day Blog... Can't wait to see who I LOVE this week!

    How's your haircut treating you.. are you loving it yet? or just figuring it out still?

  8. Val is freaking awesome, I found on randomly on Instagram. Her post crack me up, Now I found my new favorite blog! Found your blog from Emily at Beauty and the Greek. I'm happy to find another Wed Linkup :)

  9. congrats on the huffpo article! i saw it yesterday, what a great feature. :)

  10. Congrats on your first Huff Post article! Absolutely awesome and totally inspirational! You are a rock start! #StayFearless! :)

  11. Both of you are true inspirations!! Congrats to you many times over for the Huff Post article!! How awesome!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not only reading my blog, but taking the time to leave a response. If you notice that you do not hear back from me, please ensure you are not a "no-reply" blogger.

Keep in touch:
Twitter: FitnessBlondieL
Instagram: FitnessBlondieL
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