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September 25, 2014

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Two nights a week I have "treat" meals - whatever I choose. They are usually Saturday and Sunday night, but it does vary. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week before what I want to have for meals, make the grocery list, and prep the food on Sunday's. A lot of times people will ask me if I get bored eating the same thing everyday. The answer is no. It is only 5 days a week that I eat the same thing. I eat to live - not live to eat. It took me a long time to come to that.  I also do this to save money. I live alone so I can't really cook tons of different things during the week because it's too expensive and will go bad. There are also ways you can switch up your eating day to day. Like my Quest Bars for instance; I eat a different flavor everyday, same with my yogurt. You can read here for meal prep ideas!

Total down (since 11/25/13):  63 pounds!

Meal 1 (7:15 AM)
2 eggs over easy with 2 Van's whole wheat waffles topped with sugar free/high fiber jam

Meal 2 (4 10:30 AM)

Meal 3 (1:15 PM)
Healthy Turkey and Bean Spanish dip (I used more meat and beans and eat this as a complete meal with no chips)

Meal 4 (3:45 PM) 
1/2 cup of black bean hummus, fresh broccoli, and a 100 calorie pack of plain almonds and walnuts.

Gym 4:30-6PM

Meal 5 (6:30 PM) [Post workout]
Kay Natural's Cinnamon Almond Protein Bites (I eat this like cereal with Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk) and 1/4 cup of turkey jerky.

Meal 6 (9 PM)
Lean turkey burger topped with low fat provolone and sauteed mushrooms with a side of healthy homemade mashed red potatoes and cauliflower. (I made the the recipe as normal, I just did not use as many potatoes since I also used cauliflower.) 

Bed time 11PM
Sunday: (Rest)

Monday: (Rest)

Tuesday: (Weight Circuit + Squats)
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)
- Back Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-30 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)

Wednesday: (Core)
-20 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 3 minutes at 3.2 speed and 12 incline and rest 2 minutes at 3.4 speed and 0 incline. No holding onto the tredmill at all)
-10 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9/10, Resistance 10)
- 3 sets of 45 second planks
- 3 sets of "Russian Twists" with a 10 pound weight plate
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  10 elevated leg crunches
-15 minutes cardio: StairMill (5 minutes at 80 SPM and 5 minutes at 60 SPM. No holding onto machine)

Thursday: (Weight Circuit)
-15 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 3 minutes at 3.2 speed and 12 incline and rest 2 minutes at 3.4 speed and 0 incline. No holding onto the tredmill at all)
-15 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-15 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 3 minutes at 3.2 speed and 12 incline and rest 2 minutes at 3.4 speed and 0 incline. No holding onto the tredmill at all)
Friday: (Weight Circuit + Squats):
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)
- Back Squats (4 x 15. Two sets of 55 pounds and Two sets of 75 pounds)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
-15 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 3 minutes at 3.2 speed and 12 incline and rest 2 minutes at 3.4 speed and 0 incline. No holding onto the tredmill at all)

Saturday: (Hike)
10 miles of hiking at Crowder's Mountain 


  1. That hummus looks AWESOME! I've never seen black bean hummus before - do you make it yourself or buy it? Van's waffles are my go to; they're so good (though I switched to Trader Joe's pumpkin waffles lately because... pumpkin). I have really terrible eating habits - meal skipping, not eating full meals and just grazing, etc., but I've been pre-planning and prepping meals ahead of time and it makes all the difference!
    Your workout schedule and dedication is awesome, girl. I applaud your effort and how much commitment you make - and you look hot, so it all pays off! :)

  2. You seriously inspire me, Liz!!! And down 63 pounds? Wow!! You go, girl! Thank you for sharing your progress---so cool!! :)

  3. Now I want waffles and black bean humus. Not together though because that would be weird.

  4. girl that turkey burger looks SOOO stinkin good!!!

  5. HI..i am following your instagram..zagadka1984..i am wondering what calories intake you are trying to keep on average?..thank you

  6. Your recipes are fantastic! You don't know how bad I need your creative food ideas girl! Also, your site is so intelligent yet so pretty and feminine and easy on the eyes. I love it. Thank you so much for this blog!

    1. OH Lisa, you have completely made my day!

  7. I am a nurse on a cardiac floor. I care for some ILL people. Most - I would say 90% of my patients - would not ever be in the hospital (many of them are admitted several times per year) to begin with if they would change their life style. I have recently made a conscious effort to not only abide by what I preach to my patients (the required, traditional, hospital education which follows the outdated, mainstream healthy food guidelines of our society), but also to go far and beyond the standard of old-fashion American health. I am referring to less (or better yet, no) gluten, less free radicals, more vitamins, more minerals, and more electrolytes, less sugar (carbs!!!!), more fat (yes, MORE fat - also long as it is HEALTHY fat). In short, I want to feed my body more of what it really needs and cut out the junk, toxins, and poisons. I am doing this for better health, for more energy, for a better physique, and for an overall better LIFE! Not to mention, I am seriously considering becoming some kind of health coach or leader in the future. I have lots of work and learning to do before then. That is a whole other story. But to tell you how much I appreciate your passion for health, Liz: It would be a dream come true for me to see more people living like you. Thank you again for this blog and all you do! Keep it up! Please?! :)


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