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April 24, 2014

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Two nights a week I have "treat" meals - whatever I choose. They are usually Saturday and Sunday night, but it does vary. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week before what I want to have for meals, make the grocery list, and prep the food on Sunday's. A lot of times people will ask me if I get bored eating the same thing everyday. The answer is no. It is only 5 days a week that I eat the same thing. I eat to live - not live to eat. It took me a long time to come to that.  I also do this to save money. I live alone so I can't really cook tons of different things during the week because it's too expensive and will go bad. There are also ways you can switch up your eating day to day. Like my Quest Bars for instance; I eat a different flavor everyday, same with my yogurt. You can read here for meal prep ideas!

Total down (since 11/25/13):  46.6 pounds!

Meal 1 (7:15 AM)
3 protein muffins

Meal 2 (10:30 AM)
Quest Protein Bar (the flavor varies day to day) and a large apple.

Meal 3 (1:15 PM)

Meal 4 (4 PM) - [Pre-workout]
1 Light and Fit 80 calorie Greek Yogurt with a tablespoon of chia seeds and plain sliced almonds.

Gym: 5-6:15(30)

Meal 5 (7 PM) [Post workout]
3 oz of top sirloin with homemade red mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli/mushrooms.
I poked holes in the sirloin (because it has no fat, it can be tough) and marinated them in balsamic vingerette for 24 hours. I cooked via stovetop and sprinkled Carolina blackened seasoning. I do not prep these all once. I made the mashed potatoes by boiling baby red potatoes until soft, placed them in a big bowl, sprinkled Garlic and Wine seasoning, melted 1/4 coconut oil and poured over potatoes, and 1 cup of plain Almond Milk. I then blended everything together with a mixer. I will have the recipe up soon.

Meal 6 (8:30 PM)
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese and a 2 tablespoons of dark chocolate morsels. 

Bed time: 11 PM
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Sunday: (Plyometric Full Body + Jog) - done!
Back in February, I wrote about my "at home" workout that I created since I was snowed in for two days and could not go to the gym. I call this "The Hot Mess Express". I was incredibly sore for days after this work out, so I decided to do it once a week because it was so hard. My heart rate was through the roof and it worked every muscle in my body. My shoulders, abs, and thighs were the most sore. It is a little difficult to explain, but I will try my best. I hope to do a full blog entry and YouTube video for this soon. It truly is AWESOME.

I created a playlist on my Iphone that is an hour and 10 minutes of upbeat pop and rap songs and I blast that on my blue-tooth speaker while I exercise. It's about 12 songs, so I do 12 different routines. I repeat the routine for the entire song then switch.

Below are different routines I do during a song. I repeat the exercises for the entire song then I will move onto the next routine. I did this for 30 minutes:

-Mini suicides runs:
-Kickboxing cardio routines (I have 3-4 different routines for this. I do not know the names of the exercises so that is why I am not listing that out right now)
-10 Jumpsquats, run in place, then 10 jumping jacks
-10 regular jumping jacks, 10 scissor jumping jacks, jog around the living room
-10 pushups, jog down the hallway, walking lunges back to the living room
-20 burpees, 10 high kicks
-10 pushups, jog around the couch, 10 jumpjacks

50 minute jog on the greenway behind my apartment.

Monday: (Weights) - done!
-30 minutes of cardio: Elliptical (Incline is switched between 1, 9, and 20. Resistance is switched between 10 and 11)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I lift weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)

Tuesday: (Rest) - done!

Wednesday: (Weights) - done!
-30 minutes of cardio: StairMill ( HIIT: 150 SPM for my work and 60 SPM at rest. Work is 60 seconds, rest is 90 seconds)
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I lift weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)

Thursday: (Core)
-20 minutes of cardio: StairMill, 80 SPM
-10 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)
- 3 sets of 45 second planks
- 3 sets of "Russian Twists" with a 10 pound weight plate
- 3 sets of 20 crunches
- 3 sets of 20 heel touches
- 3 sets of  10 elevated leg crunches
-15 minutes of high intensity interval training: Tredmill (Work: 2 minute walk on a speed of 3.2 MPH with an incline of 12 [the highest is 15] Rest: 1 minute walk at 0 incline and a 3.4 MPH speed. Alternate)

Friday: (Weights)
-20 minutes of cardio: StairMill at 80 SPM
-Weight Circuit:
   -Shoulders: 3 x 15
   -Back: 3 x 15
   -Biceps: 3 x 15
   -Chest: 3 x 15
   -Triceps: 3 x 15
*It is hard for me to list the exercises I do for my weight circuit. The gym is so crowded when I go that I almost always have to improvise when I lift weights. It depends on what is free at the time to be used.
-15 minutes cardio: Elliptical (Incline 9, Resistance 10)

Saturday: (Hiking)
13 miles of hiking at Crowder's Mountain!

Sunday: (Rest)


  1. Great stuff! those muffins sound yummy!

    I just tried a Quest bar and the cchipcookiedough was delicious!

  2. Look at you go, 13 miles of hiking!! Awesome!

  3. Oooh cottage cheese with dark chocolate? Sounds weird but like something I could definitely get into...!

  4. your plan is really inspiring! I'm also saving the recipe to those muffins :)

  5. Erm, be right back, buying ingredients for protein muffins.
    Seriously, they look so good. I'm definitely going to have to try them.

  6. i wish i could be as good as you with the whole eating the same thing daily. i try, but with me and the boy in the house we tend to scarf down leftovers a few days later so we're cooking new things. i love the eat to live, i really think i'm gonna focus on that!

  7. Yummmmm!!! I love anything with cottage cheese.

  8. I do cottage cheese for a snack a lot....or I have it with my breakfast on the weekends when I dont do my protein smoothies. Yummm!

  9. Russian twists are my JAM... Yeah, after doing a few sets, I curse at them.. But, they are SO worth it!

    I did an amazing Tabata workout today.. come on over and check out my post.

    Also: Dark Chocolate morsels are awesome.. on cottage cheese, yogurt, ANYTHING.. absolutely ANYTHING.

    :) 13 mile hike? Sounds AWESOME.. can I come?!?!

    1. Oh girl, aren't Russian twists the best? They work me like no other. Tabata? I will have to check that out; I have no idea what it is. I cannot be trusted about dark chocolate morsels, I have to stop buying them, haha! I love how the flavors contrast with the cottage cheese though. And of course you can come with me, doll... duh! XOXO

  10. Another russian twist fan, love em! I just did sit ups with a 25 pd plate, I kinda liked that too, think I'll add it to the daily core regime. ANYWAY, I just read an article about eating in a limited range of food. Evidently people keep to that way of eating far better than having to many options. Its how I lost 85 pds. I had a few meals I really liked and I ate that. It's almost comforting and the ability to not have to think about it goes a long long way. You're creating a habit just like you do with exercise. When I decided to go vegetarian and had to find a whole new way of eating....holy moly did that mess me up and good. Gained twenty pds, was miserable and just felt quite lost. I think I got it now and I won't sway EVER again. Its not worth it. Annnd off to check out the muffins.

  11. Food looks AMAAAZZZZIINNNGGG. Except for the cottage cheese. I gag at the sight of it. Seriously. Just thinking about it….

    love you mean it!

  12. Good Schedule.... Try to follow

  13. these posts always make me so hungry lol. I started up on 30DS this week and may steal some of your workouts on my off days from that!!!

  14. Thanks for the motivation this week! I have been a HUGE slacker, the last 2 weeks with my birthday, my daughters birthday, girls weekend and Easter all thrown in. I have been working out, but my eating has been horrible and I am feeling it.

    Today I have to get a 10 mile run in today and its going to be on the treadmill, ugh (raining buckets outside and my half marathon is in 2 weeks).


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