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Blogging is a great tool for any and everyone. We all have different dreams, aspirations, and goals and in this day and age, online networking is the most profitable and largest platform to use. Blogging is an online photo album and scrapbook - one of my favorite parts is going back to view pictures and what I did in the past. It's also a great way to write from the heart and meet others who have been through things that you have. One can share ideas, stories, recipes, work out's, and more. I personally even stay motivated on my weight loss journey as well. 

If you are new to blogging, a seasoned professional, or a business owner, I work hard at my promotions to target them in the most successful way. To me, advertising and sponsoring a blog is not about just letting someone be visible on page and being done with it. I have multiple different packages available. Please take a look at what is available below and please feel free to email me directly with any questions or concerns.

**Please note: if you are interested in me reviewing/trying your product(s), please place your order below as normal. Thank you!


  1. i linked up to follow you i am looking forward trying some of your recipes as weight is another one of my obstacles and i presently need to come undone from old views and eating habits. You look gorgeous...I am sure you have worked hard. I am not sure I am ready to work as hard as you do but i am taking those starting steps.!

  2. I'm not a DIY'er, I don't really cook, I'm not a mom, I'm not overly fashion-forward, I struggle with my fitness journey every single day ... I don't really have a niche ... I'm just me, and it's ok :-)

  3. I love that you wrote this! So many people blog for the wrong reasons - not that there is a right or wrong.. but some people just try to promote themselves and are not "real"... So glad to have a new blogger like you out there!

  4. Oooh girl, I hear you! I am so glad you are saying this.... I am new to blogging too, and I too, have noticed that a lot of people seem to only blog just to get more readers, or for the sake of having someone look at their pages (like the people who are constantly doing reviews or giveaways...I mean, I understand it sometimes, but it gets a little tiring at times). I have no kind of "niche" whatsoever for my blog...all my posts are generally just whatever I feel like writing/saying at any given time. I think you're great, and your posts are fantastic. Keep it up!

  5. This was a refreshing read, especially considering that I came to your blog completely assuming you only commented on mine for a follow back :)

    And I'm so glad you wrote this because I actually LIKE your blog too! I just recently started eating healthy and working out after having my 2nd baby, so I'm very much into health and fitness!

    Anyway, glad to have found your blog :)

  6. Love this! I'm not a DIYer either!

  7. I love your blog. I have lost 50 lbs doing weight watchers after I had my little boy. You are such an inspiration for me to get to my weight goal and stay there. Thanks.

  8. Seriously, Hurray for this! I wish more bloggers thought that way!

  9. Very well written. The blog world while I LOVE it and what it has done- still has it's negatives. But just surround yourself with positive people and blogs and you'll be good to go. You only posted 6 times and have 80 followers- you already rock! ;)

  10. Girl I love that you keep it real.

  11. I can tell you this, you are a rare find in the blogosphere. You keep it real and tell it how it is, and that's refreshing. Best unsolicited advice I can give you - don't fall into the trap! ;)

    Yaya xx

  12. I love this! You commented on my post today and I'm so glad you did. I've read back a little bit in your blog, and your About Me, and I know that your blog will be one of my regular readers!

    In fact, it's been 5 weeks since I've been the to gym, and just by looking at a few of you posts, you've motivated me to stop on my way home from work today. This was just what I needed!

    Thank you!

  13. (Stop at the gym- that wasn't really clear, haha!) ^

  14. I can so relate! I'm young and single with no kids. That alone makes me kind of an outcast to the blogging world! I found you through the lovely blog hop and I'm so glad I did!
    <3 your newest follower!

  15. Thank you for checking out my blog. I really liked yours and your post about your mom had me nearly pissing myself with laughter. I'm subscribed to you on Bloglovin' now!!!

  16. I love the way you put this! I'm new to blogging too-- I'm still being a good girl and saving my extra pennies (literally) to do what the fiance calls a "waste" and get a real blog design.. but I do love blogging and reading others blogs. I READ EVERY WORD and I don't want to shamelessly promote myself. So here, here! Well said Darling.

  17. Thank you for commenting my blog :) love love love yours!!! You've only been blogging for a few months and already have an amazing following! That awesome! I wish you all the best and I can tell your doing this for you and not bc its "the new thing to do" which is a great feel for your blog! Keep it up, love your writing style. def gained a follower in me too!!

  18. I love this. I'm completely agree. When people leave comments saying "how about we follow eachother?" It annoys me. I follow blogs I like and want to read and know more about. But no everyone is like that.


  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog today :) I'm glad that you can relate in the sense of movies.

    I love what you've written here; it's so true. It's almost like if you are not a DIYer, mom, or own your own business, it's hard to really get a good blog going..but that's not all true. I'm glad that you're staying true to yourself :)

    Erin @

  20. I love that you posted this as I totally feel the same way. I read a lot of blogs, but it usually takes me a while to follow. Unfortunately, I'm opinionated so I often comment, but following is something very different. I completely appreciate your view on this as I had many people do exactly as you stated by following my blog when I first started out so that I would follow them. Well guess what? I'm not going to follow you unless I like what you have to say. I'm someone who does NOT feel that turn about is fair play with blog follows.

    I love how straightforward you are. I'm the same way. It's refreshing.


  21. ok, this is probably the best about me type page (i read your actual one too!) i've ever seen. thank you for keeping it real! i love the honesty.

  22. Hi Liz!

    You so eloquently put into your 'about me' page how I often feel about the blogging world.

    Thanks so much for checking out my blog,.. I'm now a fan of yours! Lets face it... I need all the motivation I can get to get fit and get moving...


  23. Great blog, following you from Thirsty Thursday blog hop.

  24. I agree with this 110%! So glad to be following along!!! :)

  25. Can I just say that I absolutely love this! So many people leave comments that really say nothing and make me wonder if they've even read the post! When I comment it's because I truly enjoy what I am reading and feel I can relate on some level. I could tell immediately you were genuine and actually cared what I had to say. I feel the exact same way about your blog. So happy I found you :)

  26. Hey!

    Luv the fitness information!! Keep it coming!

  27. I would def love to swap buttons if you have one!!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not only reading my blog, but taking the time to leave a response. If you notice that you do not hear back from me, please ensure you are not a "no-reply" blogger.

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