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August 4, 2014

Clean Dessert Pizza

My mom and sister-in-law were in town about a month ago spending the weekend with me in Charlotte. We were discussing our favorite restaurants, what we liked to eat, etc. I am pizza crazy -- it's my favorite "cheat" meal and I enjoy being about to make clean versions. My mom then mentioned dessert pizzas. It was a light bulb moment for me. I have made a few versions of healthy pizza, but never a dessert one. My goal is to make a "clean s'mores dessert" pizza, but that will take a little work. Until then, we have a clean fruit dessert pizza!

  • 1 cup of oat flour OR blended oats
  • 4 tablespoons of liqud Stevia (or 4 packs)
  • Dash of Vanilla extract
  • 1 egg and 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 2 containers or (1 1/2 cups) of vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of fat and sugar free whipped cream (I used the second time I made this, it is delicious) 
  • Half a scoop of protein powder
  • Fresh fruit of choice
What you do:
  • Preheat over to 375 degrees 
  • In a large bowl, mix all ingredients and stir until smooth and well mixed
  • Spray oval or rectangle baking pan of choice with nonstick spray
  • Pour batter onto the pan
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes
  • Once crust is finished and cool for 10-15 minutes, making the filling.
  • In a large bowl, mix yogurt, whipped cream, and protein powder. Sir until well blended and you have a creamy mixture
  • Pour over top of crust
  • Top with fruit of choice
  • *You can enjoy it right away, but I like it more after it has been chilled for about an hour. If you plan on taking this to a cookout or BBQ, keep as chilled as possible. 


  1. This looks so good! Totally pinning this for later! Have a great week!

  2. Guuhhhh that looks good. Like a fruit cake.

  3. I freakin love fruit pizza, so much! I will definitely have to try this. Also have you seen this recipe ( It's pretty awesome too.

  4. drooooling. yum. this would be great to bring to a cookout or something.. yum!

  5. Yet again, another amazingly delicious looking healthy treat :)

  6. Ingenious Idea!

    Making this for the weekend!

  7. Girl, I made a super fat dessert pizza one year, and now that my metabolism has changed yet again, I need to eat cleaner. I have a massive sweet tooth, and this looks like a phenomenal cure for that in a healthy way!

  8. These pizzas are the bet! Thanks for the recipe!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  9. This looks so good - I love a healthy recipe!!

  10. that looks really good. I never thought of a dessert pizza before.

  11. I absolutely love making this dessert! It's always a hit :)

  12. This looks amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

    Julie x

  13. looks delicious - great idea!!! :-)

  14. This will def be tried soon!! Looks yummo, thanks for sharing!!!!

  15. It looks delicious! What a great idea!

  16. The crust recipe is very similar to my pancake recipe. I'd never thought of doing that with it though. Also, what protein flavors have you tried? I hear good things about cellucor

  17. This looks so so good definitely saving this!


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