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July 31, 2014

All About The Week!

In honor of my birthday on Wednesday, I am taking a 5-day weekend. I was off today and go back to work Tuesday, so my weekend is well under way. The week has been pretty fun and I had a wonderful birthday. I received a ton of messages, texts, and comments from you guys which consistently put a big smile on my face throughout the day; so much so that my cheeks were hurting, hehe.

Tuesday evening after the work and the gym, mama and I decided to go out since it was her last evening in Charlotte with me. I was spoiled after her staying 5 times. I still cry every time she leaves, too. While we were out, we grabbed an ice-cream cupcake for my birthday! They were from a local ice-cream shoppe and were delicious.
I did not take my birthday off of work since I wanted to do a long weekend. I worked as usual then hit the gym. I felt strong and pushed hard. I did 20 minutes on the StairMill, an upper body weight circuit, then ended with a mile of sprint intervals on the track. Like last week, I pushed my speed to the limit. I was dead after but it felt amazing. However, my right heel was hurting a lot. It is still hurting tonight actually. After the gym I rushed home to finish packing to go out of town. I packed all of my healthy must have snacks, made myself a power smoothie (fresh kale, spinach, flax and chia seeds, orange juice, pineapple, and mango), and then I was on my way.
I drove to Greensboro to spend a couple of days with my fabulous grandparents! When I arrived, my grandmother had a couple of birthday presents waiting for me in "my room". She bought me another bottle of the pineapple vinaigrette I made a couple of weeks ago when she and I went to an olive oil store, and an adorable manicure set. She then told me she found an old photo album when she was cleaning. We looked through a lot of my baby pictures and I loved the ones of she and I in my old Barbie car. I was obsessed with that thing!
I did not sleep well last night so I was up early this morning. I had breakfast with grandma then did some writing while starting the first season of "Breaking Bad". It was a great setup I had going on if you ask me, ha!
Later in the afternoon we ran errands then went to her best friend's hair salon so I could get my roots touched up. I can't believe how my fast my hair is growing either. I cut it at the beginning of June and it has already grown well over an inch. It's volumious too! If there is one thing I love more than big hair, it's bigger hair. I swear by Biotin.

After my hair was finished, we came back home to get ready, then she and my papa took me out for my birthday dinner. We went to one of my favorite restaurants; The Village Tavern. It was heaven in my mouth. I had a bleu cheese wedge salad (wedge salad's are so much cooler than regular salad's by the way) and a chicken dish that had these flavorful black beans.

The rest of the evening was spent talking, making plans, and enjoying time together. Spending time with my grandparents rejuvanates my soul and motivates me to keep working hard. They are my biggest supporters and make me feel like anything is possible. They were not always like that though; I had to prove myself. It's a refreshing feeling! Now I'm off to watch more "Breaking Bad" and try to get a good night of sleep.

Linking up today!


  1. I envy the relationship you have with your Mum and Grandparents. Very lucky girl :) good to see you enjoying yourself, yay for long weekends!

  2. Those cupcakes look yummy and you look great! Good for you for taking a 5 day weekend for your bday!

  3. Hope your 5 day weekend is fun and relaxing. Love the gifts she got you. That is a pretty sweet setup you have at their place. Enjoy!

  4. hope your long weekend is loaded with lots of fun!!! happy (belated) birthday - enjoy this time to get some RnR - you deserve it :)

    Vodka and Soda

  5. Have you always had such a good relationship with your mom?

  6. :) This post was so awesome.
    I love the personal posts about you...
    Your grandmother is adorable!

    And Wedge salads are my FAVORITE.. They are just BETTER than regular salads.. So right on the money with that one.

    (Hey, you are welcome for all of my comment love.. you are deserving of it. You motivate me, and I love that we have become friends through the blog world. One day, I think we should meet, because I owe you a big ol' hug)

    And.. I really need to get more volume in my hair.. It was so just limp and BLAH today, I am rocking PIG TAILS at work. No joke.

  7. Such a sweet & special relationship you have with your grandparents, I just love it! I had a pink Barbie Corvette too :)

  8. You get from your grandma! What a good looking lady!

  9. That cupcake!! I'm drooling over here!!

  10. Aww your grandma is so sweet. It sounds like a really great birthday week! What did you think of the first season of Breaking Bad?

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  11. Liz- what fun pics and times! Mums are the best right--oh and did you know that in my culture they say if you have a gap between your front teeth you are supposed to be very lucky!

    1. Even after 3 years of braces, my gap came back. Granted I should have worn my retainer more but I had doing it. So it came back. Now I leave it. It's an "imperfection" I have but I make the best of it and have grown to like the darn thing. Let's hope it brings lots of luck! <3

  12. So happy you had such a wonderful birthday Liz, you deserve it! Loveeee that photo of you in your Barbie Corvette, so fancy from the very beginning!!! xo

  13. OMG! Your grandma is so pretty and young! How awesome that you have a little set up over there. Grandparents always love those visits :)

    I want an ice cream cupcake too but I don't know of a place near me where I can get just one instead of a whole box! I like was Sheetal said about the gap in the front teeth- that means we must be lucky!

    1. Aw girl I wish I could ship you one of those cupcakes, but it may be just a tad melted by the time it arrives ;-) And girl, we are very lucky ;-)

  14. I hope that you have an amazing extended birthday weekend filled with relaxation and happiness! You deserve the best girl!

  15. You're so blessed to still have your grandparents around - soak up their knowledge :)
    I want to throw in a B***CH (in a good way) in honor of Breaking Bad :) Love that show :)

  16. I love your grandma! She rocks. Fabulous birthday week for you, I hope you enjoy it all through the weekend. Hell all month, it's the reason you're here on this earth.

  17. happpppppppy birthday beauty! those cupcakes look deeee-lish AND the week made you glow. so happy you had a good one <3


  18. heyyyyy birthday! hope its the best darling.
    also i want those cupcakes please.

  19. Happy Birthday! The cupcakes look delicious!

  20. mmmm cupcakes! I totally rocked the pink barbie car too back in the day.

  21. That is so wonderful that you have such an amazing relationship with your grandparents! How sweet that they had presents waiting for you :)

  22. How awesome that you had a 5 day weekend! You totally deserve it! And how sweet of your Grandparents! So precious that you have such a great relationship with them! ♥


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