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June 8, 2014

Weekend Recap: I got excited over produce and a vacuum

I really need to stop making plans; even though scheduling and planning are embedded into my DNA now. Ha. They never work out! It's almost comical at this point. Why this weekend? The rain. Ugh.

Friday work was absolutely nuts. I ran around the entire day. When it finally ended, I took off to the gym for legs. I am ALWAYS deathly sore after my leg days so I strategically plan them so my rest day comes after. My legs are really strong, so I enjoy pushing them to the damn limit (insert Paul Engemann song here). Friday, it happened. After my workout, I was limping out of there. 

I walked home, popped my Glutamine, downed a protein shake, then took a shower and got glam since my best friend Jennifer was coming down to spend the weekend with me. I was wearing one of my favorite shirts; a red tube top from Venus and guess what I noticed? Big, white bleach stains. How great is that? Not. I am assuming there is no way to take a shirt back from that? 

Once Jen arrived we took off to a local spot I have been wanting to try: Elwood's BBQ and Burgers. It was really fun and the food was to die for. She and I both had pulled chicken. I am not a fan of pork so having the chicken substitution was great. There was also a guy singing and playing guitar. He did a cover of Kings of Leon "Sex on Fire" and it was phenomenal. I wish I knew who it was. Elwood's also had corn-hole. I can't wait to go back! After dinner we came back to my place and rented the movie "Endless Love" on demand. I have to say, it reminded me SO much of a cheap "The Notebook". It was OK at best and in no way worth the $4.99 to rent it. 

Saturday morning Jen and I woke up ready to spend the day soaking up the sun and being lazy by the pool. However, the weather had other plans. We waited it out until 11 AM but it was still very cloudy, windy, and 40% chance of rain. We just decided to go ahead, take showers, and get ready, then spend the day out and about.

Of course after she and I were showered and made up, the sun came out. We went to the movies to see "The Fault in Our Stars". It was so touching - wow, what a good movie! The story line was real and raw, the acting was great, and there was wonderful chemistry with all of the characters. Grab your tissues and go see it! 
After the movie we went to a local produce stand that I have been wanting to go to for a long time. I fell in love. It was adorable, great selection of produce, and SO cheap. All of that made for one happy girl. I always eat a good amount of fruits and vegetables but now I will be stepping it up a notch. I am happy to have that little gem in my neighborhood. Perhaps I am too excited about it. I am definitely getting old. 

After our little produce adventure we went to Old Navy, Home Goods, and Marshall's (I scored some compression shorts for $12 bucks, yay!), Pet Smart, then picked up a sweet treat at a local bakery called "SAS". I have not had a cupcake from that place in a year so Jen and I decided to splurge! We both got vanilla with chocolate icing. It was delicious, but too much icing. Nonetheless, it is my favorite place to get a cupcake. I also really like the fact you can come in and just buy one at a time. 

After we picked up our treat to save for later in the evening, we went to dinner. I took Jennifer to my favorite place; "Cantina 1511". She and I love Mexican cuisine and this place is super authentic and fresh - my keys for when I dine out. They buy nothing frozen. We had dinner on the patio since it turned out to be a beautiful night. I had my favorite drink; the strawberry and mint Mojito. I can't rave enough how refreshing that drink is. Yum!

Once we were stuffed from dinner, we went back to my place. We were hot and really tired. Shopping and errands are exhausting, ha! There I made her help me put together my new vacuum that I am over the moon about. Yep, I am so happy over a new vacuum. Another sign that I am not only a dork, but getting old. You all know I have the most lovable yet FLUFFIEST and hairiest cat of all time, and my old vacuum was not cutting it. The weather is getting hotter, I am slightly OCD with cleaning, and the hair was too much. This vacuum is the best, the difference was shocking.

We spent the rest of the night watching "Dirty Dancing" (it was my first time watching it! I know I am crazy) and talking until 2 AM. We slept in this morning, then around noon Jennifer left. 

As she was leaving, I was packing my bag to go hiking. There was a 50% chance of rain, but there was also a chance yesterday and nothing happened. Thus I decided to go for it. Hiking at Crowder's is my happy place so I wanted to go. As I was getting in my car, the bottom fell out. Of course. I made a detour and hit the gym for cardio and a weight circuit instead. After I went to Earth Fare, came home, got all of my food prep, and cleaned.

Linking up with these fabulous ladies to share my weekend shannies! 
Try Quest Protein Bars!


  1. You are always such a busy bee on the weekends!! & don't worry we must be BFFs because last Christmas I asked for a vacuum. Love the local produce store.. looks adorable! Have a great week!

  2. That is awesome you now have a local produce store. I wish there was a place to buy organic foods close to where I lived. I saw endless love and I wanted to like it more then I did. I didn't think it was a bad movie but I am glad I rented it from netflix instead of buying it. I love cupcake places where you can just buy one cupcake. I had one place where they made gourmet cupcakes and they where really yummy. Too bad or maybe it is actually a good thing they are no longer around LOL.

  3. So awesome to have a produce stand so close. Sorry the weather wasn't cooperating but looks like shopping made it worth it. Movie nights are always fun even though the movie was a bummer. I made it out for a hike this weekend finally.

  4. I wish I had your ambition on sundays. After errands and working in the garden any plans to clean the house last night went out the window.

  5. Looks like a fun weekend, what an adorable produce stand! I would get excited over that too :) And BUMMER on the bleach stain, that makes me so mad when a fave is ruined :(

  6. What a fun weekend - I totally understand the excitement of getting a new vacuum!! When we bought our dyson I pretty much vacuumed every day haha! The fresh produce looks amazing! Thanks so much for linking up!! Happy Monday! xo

  7. Looks like a fun weekend with your friend!!

  8. girl i cannot believe you havent seen dirty dancing!!! see now you have to go visit lake lure, its only like 1hr 45 mins from charlotte!! ok love SAS too, yummy cupcakes!!! :)

  9. Sounds like a fab weekend and you look lovely (as usual)! btw the day after leg days are the WORST!

  10. Okay, you are super crazy for never seeing Dirty Dancing. But, what's really funny, is that I watched that LAST NIGHT. HOW WEIRD?!?!

    I get super excited over fresh produce too.. It tastes so much better!

    I love BBQ and Burgers.. like WAY too much...

    :) Happy Monday!

  11. What an awesome weekend! Those cupcakes look amazing and I would totally be excited for a new vacuum! :)

    <3 Shannon

  12. Ok yay for fresh produce and yay for getting a vacuum for Christmas and a dehumidifier for my birthday and considering it the best year of gifts ever (me)!

  13. Id love to try the produce stand in our town I dont know why Ive never been.
    I also want to try something called GiGis cupcakes and theyre really close to my job but Im trying to stay away :)
    I get excited over simple things too.

  14. That has to be the cutest produce stand ever. Stopping by from the Weekend Recap link up!
    Happy Monday!


  15. Sounds like a fun weekend! That produce stand looks perfect and my favorite drink, other than craft beer or cider is a mojito! There is just something about mojitos...they are always amazing!

    I get excited over household appliances too!

  16. Oh I love regular mojitos, but I had a pineapple one once and it was SO good- I can only imagine how good the strawberry was! I hate when the laundry ruins a shirt you love! Love how it looked with your statement necklace! Also, LOVE Home Goods and Marshall's- it's the best when you find a really good deal!

  17. Such a fun weekend! Those cupcakes look fantastic! Thanks for linking up! xo

  18. Sounds like you had a really fun weekend even with chances of rain :D

  19. ummm vacuums ARE awesome! haha. i get excited about stuff like that too. those cupcakes look AMAZING. um, too much icing say what?! you crazy. nah i'm just kidding. the icing is my fave part!


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