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June 6, 2014

Back to my Roots for Memorial Day Weekend!

Over the Memorial holiday, it was a 4-day weekend for me. I spent half of it back in my hometown with my family and half of it recovering and taking it easy at home. I was so damn tired. I love going 100 MPH because I am as high strung as one could possibly be, but I needed a recharge! 

Friday, I worked until 4 then hit the gym for a hard leg workout. I had to start it right! After the gym, I went by Target and GNC so I could knock some of my errands out, then went home to make dinner, clean up, and pack my suitcase.

Saturday, I drove back to my hometown. I stayed with my brother, and had a cookout with my family and best friend Jennifer. It was part a cookout for Memorial Day and part a cookout for my sister-in-law Amber. Her 21st birthday was Sunday! The weather was wonderful, we played cornhole, laughed, and made memories. There is nothing better than a down home, country cookout!

Sunday I drove to the next town over to visit my dad. I know I have not written about him in a while, but he is doing OK. He is doing the best he can with his cancer. He is out of work on medical leave and once that is up, he will have to retire-- but he keeps fighting. I admire that. I taught him the art of selifes while I was there, ha! We then had lunch with my step-mom. She made healthy turkey salad's. It was delicious as always and I love her, she is so supportive of my weight loss journey, and it means a lot to me!

Once I left my dads house, I went back to my brothers to get ready for a Harley Davidson event in Greensboro. They were hosting a bike show and Brantley Gilbert concert! Once again the weather was great and my sister-in-law, brother, and I had great time. Oh and while I was there I was recognized from my blog! That's the second time this year, very cool!

After the concert, I really wanted to go home. I was ready to be back in Charlotte thus I had the bright idea to drive back. I wanted to get the drive over with so I could enjoy two full days at home. It was a STUPID idea. I got home around 2 AM and did not go to sleep until after 3. On Monday I ended up sleeping until after noon, which I never do. I was exhausted, still sore from my leg workout, I was nonstop for a few days with a lot of driving, and it all hit me at once. I spent the day being very, very lazy. I did push myself to get groceries at Earthfare, create a new recipe, and food prep.

Tuesday was similar to Monday. More rest and doing things about the apartment. I thoroughly enjoyed my two days of taking it easy, but it was hard to get back on routine. However, sometimes we just need a break!

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  1. Dude, first, I know that this has nothing to do with your post.. BUT I FOUND ONE SINGLE POMEGRANATE BERRY GREEK YOGURT IN THE STORE YESTERDAY! I grabbed that sunuvabeech like I was stealing it!

    Okay, let me tell you how happy you look in all of your pictures! I love that you guys do bean bag tosses. SO FUN!

    I can't wait to try that sweet potato recipe you posted yesterday!

    Have a wonderful weekend pretty lady!

  2. what a fun weekend, i would have been wiped out too! how cool you were recognized for your blog ;)

  3. Fun overload! Hope this weekend is just as fun :)

  4. Nothing better than family fun!! Looks like you had an amazing time!! oh and you look great of course =)

  5. Love your hair with the braid! I wouldn't even know where to start with that one. Looks like an awesome weekend and sometimes you just need some time to relax & recharge!

  6. Seems like you had a lot of fun girl, you look so happy when youre with your family :)

  7. Girl your braid is amazing! I need a tutorial ASAP! Thanks for linking up!

  8. You look great. Great pics. And a girl after my own heart. One that loves Michael Jackson. I love me some MJ. No matter what anyone says. Great songs.

  9. LOVE YOU!!!! Memorial day weekend sounds super fun!! I love some BG.. he's so just amazing!!! That is huge to be recognized from the blog.. LOVE IT!! Happy Friday darling.. hope you have a great weekend!!

  10. Oh man, all of your outdoor activities look awesome! I love being outside and BBQing and hanging with family. It's really the best! TGIF :)

  11. Looks like you had a lot of fun with family! Getting recognized from your blog, so cool! I am just getting into country and the fact that I know BG is pretty cool! Glad you had an extra day to rest and catch up on sleep!

  12. That's so awesome that you were recognized for your blog! Celeb status, girl!! :D And your weekend with the fam sounds SO incredibly heartwarming and amazing :).

  13. Looks like a super fun weekend!! Some relaxing and family time is ALWAYS needed! And look at that cute braid. If I tried that with my hair, I would just look a mess. Probably because it is way too thin!

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  14. Looks like such a fun weekend! Loved all the pics and so cool of you step mum to do that.

    Also wishing your dad well! :)

  15. so awesome that you had a great time with your family. there's nothing better than being surrounded by your loved ones.

    Vodka and Soda

  16. Yay for family get togethers... nothing better! :)

  17. I love that this is the 2nd time this year you were recognized by your blog!

  18. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your family :)

  19. It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! try not to be too hard on yourself because like you said sometimes we all need a little rest and to take a little break.

  20. yay for being recognised from your blog!! i'm so sorry about your dad girly, i had no idea, but he looks happy with you and i hope he continues fighting and being as awesome as you ;) ps i love your hair as always!


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