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August 2, 2013

Oh Marilyn... (5 on Friday)

Time for one of my favorite link up's of the week! Five randoms on a Friday!

(1) I have been in the personal blogging world since Memorial Day weekend. I love it and I am having a blast! I have reached the 100 follower mark, and I think that is a pretty cool milestone. Therefore, I wanted to say "thank you" and host my very first giveaway! It is a $40 gift card to Ulta Beauty! I have made it super simple to enter and I hope you guys will join in on the fun! All you have to do is click the below picture.

(2) My birthday was Tuesday. I am so blessed and so beyond thankful for all of the love I received from my family, fiance, and friends. I had a great time at the beach, but I have to show you guys my favorite gift: my new Marilyn Monroe book. I have been obsessed with her since I was a little girl. And thanks in a big part to her life, I am now super OK with being curvy, blonde, and loud. I just feel the strongest connection and love for her. I have her pictures all over my house. This book means a lot to me.

(3) Marty. There is never a dull moment with my baby boy. He keeps life fun. Right now he is on a toilet kick. He loves for me to flush the toilet, for no reason. He purrs and watches, and had an absolute blast. Hilarious. [[My toilet thing broke, embarrassing, I know! I've been too nonstop to fix the damn thing]]

(4) Low calorie desserts. Marquis is currently in show prep for his bodybuilding competition in October. We get really creative during prep time. He made the most delicious, sugar free dessert. It's angel food cake with fat/sugar free whip creme and strawberry jam, with fresh strawberries. You literally can have almost a FOURTH of this cake for 120 calories and virtually no sugar.

(5) 18 miles. I finally broke my record for 15.5 miles in spin class. Hello 8-freaking-teen! I am so excited. But it's going to be tough trying to beat that!

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  1. COngrats on the 100 follower mark! I'm almost there and it feels good! That strawberry shortcake looks ah-mazing!!!!

  2. Girl, put some rinsed pineapple in that cake next time you make'll be singing the high note!

  3. Ulta gift card?? I'm in! Oh, and that cake looks amazing!


  4. Congrats on reaching 100 followers. I love Marilyn she is such an icon. Reaching 18 miles is awesome! You go girl! Have a great weekend!

  5. OMG that cake looks amazing... what's the recipe?!

  6. Congrats on the 100 followers! I am in love with your cat, adorable :) Great blog!

  7. I love this post! Your comment made my day :) YOU are gorgeous honey! Congrats on the followers, add me to the list! Xoxo

  8. Congrats on the 100 followers mark! That's definitely something to celebrate. Your cat is like mine. He is so easily entertained by the toilet, it is hilarious.

    I also love that cake idea, I might have to try it!

  9. Happy Belated birthday! OMG, a low calorie strawberry angel cake?> I would love to know the recipe. It looks delicious!!

  10. Happy Birthday! Mine was Tuesday also! :) We are Birthday buddies!

  11. That cake looks so divine. Happy belated birthday.

    The cat and the toilet... that made me giggle! I just had to shoo my male cat, Leo, away from the guest bathroom for playing in the toilet!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog. :)

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Congrats on the big 100! Awesome! You've got one more here. That dessert looks amaaaazing!

  13. 18 miles on the spin bike is amazing. Good work!

    I love the name Marty. Hilarious pet name.

  14. I am SO impressed by the 18 miles! Congrats!

    Also, Marilyn is fantastic - have you seen Smashed? It's a show on NBC where they're doing a musical about her life and it's amazing!

  15. Marty is such a cute fur ball!! Isn't it funny what entertains cats? My cats just learned how to drink out of the faucet and they go crazy anytime we are in the bathroom. My husband said that I've created water monsters. Your strawberry cake looks ah-mazing!!

  16. haha! my cat, luca, is obsessed with the shower. he gets behind the liner and jumps in whenever the water goes off. they're so weird but we love 'em! thanks for reading my blog.

  17. Congrats on 100 followers and that strawberry cake looks delish!


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