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August 1, 2013

My First Giveaway: $40 Ulta Beauty Giftcard

Hello to all of my amazing Blogger friends out there in the world! I have reached over 100 beautiful followers on my "Fitness Blondie" blog so I wanted to say "thank you" and conduct my first ever giveaway!

I have seen some giveaway's out there, that make my head spin! I am keeping it simple. It's easy to enter and I am just trying to get my blog out there in the world a little more.

I am giving away a $40 Ulta Gift Card. This is perfect if you need new skin care products, make-up, hair tools, pufume, and/or anything girly. The best part is, if you do not have an Ulta store near you, you can use the giftcard on their website! Ulta Beauty is one of my favorite stores in the world, so I thought this giveaway would be perfect!

I really enjoy giving back. So if you guys keep reading and spreading the word. I will keep giving. I do a lot of Coach auctions, so I think a Coach giveaway will be next... stay tuned :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is my link to the Giveaway if you want to share it and/or add it to your page:

I will announce the winner via blog post on Wednesday, August 21st.

I wish everyone luck and again, "thank you" to all of my Blogger friends. I have had a blast in the "personal" blogging world so far!


  1. Awesome giveaway! I need me some real techniques brushes!!

  2. happy birthday by the way you look gorgeous. I don't know what Ulta is but I will be checking it out!!!!

  3. I love to read about new workouts and things to cook!

  4. I love reading different things depending on the blog; I enjoy fitness/nutrition/cooking blogs, lifestyle blogs, mom blogs, beauty/style blogs, blogs about their faith, blogs about being a student, etc. It depends on the person's writing style and warmth if I come back to read daily.

  5. I love reading about make up tips! Fitness & recipes!

  6. What a neat thing to give away! Thanks for hosting!


  7. AHhh girl i love me some ulta!!!! how sweet!

  8. Great giveaway!
    I like reading a little bit of everything on blogs and getting to know people who have different lifestyles than me.

  9. New GFC Follower as Amy Orvin

  10. My favorite thing to read about is pet-related subjects and recipes.

  11. I love your blog design! Thanks for stopping by my blog from the hop. Have a fabulous weekend!

  12. Hooray for giveaways! In response to your giveaway question, I love reading about the every-day lives of my favorite bloggers, and it's even better when they have gorgeous pictures to go along with their posts! I love looking at the pictures, even if I cannot match their quality on my own blog :) It gives me something to work up to!

  13. fun! thanks for visiting team bowen! Fun blog and of course great giveaway!! I love reading housing diy, healthy living and fitness

  14. who doesn't love ulta! i love everyday stories and pictures!!!!

  15. I love fitness tips & nonGMO and organic living tips

  16. Fun! Happy Birthday pretty girl! :) New follower via GFC (Nicole-Lynn).

    I like to see tutorials and picture posts on others blogs! :)

  17. Such a great giveaway. Thanks :)

  18. Hi !

    –––––––––––– I personally love reading about beauty (makeup, skincare, hair care , etc.) , hauls & reviews/swatches !

    Thank you so much for the chance ! :)

    --- Nicole O.

  19. I love to read about great accompanyments to a good workout that doesn't leave me feeling heavy and bogged down.

  20. Congrats on reaching 100 followers and thanks for hosting this giveaway! What girl doesn't love Ulta :-) I love reading about fashion & fitness tips also love recipes and shopping/sales.

  21. Congrats on reaching 100 followers and thanks for hosting this giveaway! What girl doesn't love Ulta :-) I love reading about fashion & fitness tips also love recipes and shopping/sales.

  22. I love reading about life in general. Due to my hectic life, I do not have many super close friends that I can just talk about "regular" life reading about it from my "blog" friends helps me realize that I am (some-what) normal; and helps me work through the situations of my life.

  23. I love reading race recaps from my running friends and just other fun stories and pretty pictures, of course :) Following you on bloglovin!

  24. I love reading about what makeup products others are loving!

  25. thanks for an awesome giveaway!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  26. I love reading about the daily life things on blogs and how people go about their lives! I also like to know what products other people love and any good/good for you recipes!

  27. I love reading real life stories and events that I can relate too. None of us are perfect, and down to earth writing is the best!

  28. Love this giveaway!

    I like to read about people's lives. :)

  29. Happy Birthday! my bday was July 31! I love reading about fitness posts and product reviews

  30. Congrats on your first giveaway! I love Ulta! I follow you on bloglovin as AmandaSakovitz and on gfc as mandy83.

    Thank you!

    pokergrl8 at

  31. Congrats!! I'm a new GFC follower- JACLYN

  32. Definitely product reviews

  33. such a great giveaway!! I love learning about my blog friends!

  34. it depends on the blog, but i love ready about their lives, it let's me get to know them :)

  35. i'm not gonna lie, i love reading people's mishaps during their daily lives... sometimes it is for great entertainment purposes! shame on me bahahah :)

  36. Thank you for the opportunity to win this fabulous give away.
    I love reading blog posts about fitness and nutrition. There are so many women out there seeking the same goal; To be healthy and look as good as possible.

    Barbara @

  37. Awesome giveaway -- your blog is so cute! I love reading about my blogger friends' travels and I always love a good makeup review!

  38. I LOVE ulta! I love reading makeup and hair tutorials and since I am a mom I love seeing some cute babies on my blog feed! :) Oh and giveaways are AWESOME and so much fun to enter!

  39. I love to read about subscription box reviews or beauty product reviews :). I like to know what others think!

    Alicia @

  40. I don't know if my comment made it -- I got an error, so please delete if it's a duplicate:
    Pinterest & Instagram: Cezovski9
    Facebook: Carolsue Anderson
    Bloglovin: MsCarolsueA
    So far, I haven't been able to find you on Facebook.
    I like reading about recipes and cooking, followed by makeup and hairstyle tips
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  41. I love reading about life and stories from their daily lives.

  42. I love reading inspirational stories

  43. Hey Liz!

    I love reading about what everyone is up too. My favorites are the weekend recaps.

    I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted about the giveaway, as well.

    I entered my entry on the raffle with links.

    Thanks for a great giveaway! I LOVVEEEE Ulta.

  44. I think it is a combination of things especially beauty, books and so on but mostly just everyday life.

  45. Um "add my button" is the most AMAZEBALLS entry EVER on a giveaway! You're a genius!!!

  46. I love reading about every day life and what they do. I know each of us bloggers have a life outside of blogging too!! It makes it interesting!

  47. I love to read about personal stories, accomplishments and family stories.

    Name on rafflecopter: Amanda Sakovitz

    instagram follower: pokergrl8

    Thank you!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not only reading my blog, but taking the time to leave a response. If you notice that you do not hear back from me, please ensure you are not a "no-reply" blogger.

Keep in touch:
Twitter: FitnessBlondieL
Instagram: FitnessBlondieL
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