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September 22, 2014

Sometimes Life Freaking Sucks

This is my current state of my mind:

If you have been around me or my blog for even a short amount of time, you know that I love motivating and inspiring, working through issues and problems, taking chances, working hard, and all of that great crap that makes you want to have the best life ever.

Today is not one of those days. 

I am currently awaiting my spaceship to come down to earth and take me home because I am certain I am not human right now.

I get 8-9 hours of sleep every night. I am one of those people that thrives on sleep. I love it. I could sleep my entire life away and be perfect OK with it. My only request is a ceiling fan and big fluffy pillows.

I had a great weekend of training and working on my blog; the two major things I wanted to get in some good work on. Goal achieved. 

It laid a solid foundation to continue my reign of accomplishments. I was ready to take on the world.

I get in bed at 9:50 PM to get a good night of sleep.

Except that didn't happen.

Instead I played the "Insomnia vs. Liz" game for 7 hours.

Finally after transitioning from the bed to couch 740 times without a wink of sleep, I decided at 4:30 AM to go ahead and get ready for work.

Like any blogging-white-girl would do, once I was ready, I stopped at Starbucks for a venti iced coffee. That is where I proceeded to stare off into space (probably trying to reach my kin) for 3 minutes while the Barista eagerly awaited for me to pay her. 

I pulled up to the drive through and just sat there... did not even roll my window down.

I sat in the empty abyss that is my life.

After, I get into the corporate park and speed walk to my building hoping to dodge all murders and rapists before they decided to turn in for the night.

That is when I am greeted by a dead bird at in the entrance way.

You see, birds around here have a really bad habit of flying into the windows of the corporate park buildings and dying.

I proceed to come up the elevator and arrive promptly at my desk at 5:30 AM to which I sit and work at my desk in the dark until 7 AM (because that is when the lights turn on).

So now I am pushing through the day until my 2 melatonin and venti coffee give me heart attack.

In honor of this day from hell, I would like to present you with some inspiration to make your day more enjoyable; much like it is mine!

I hope to enter the sleepy phase soon because right now I am still in the "I can see colors and taste noises" mood.

At least my mom is supportive and comforting.

And well that is enough life for me today. Bye.


  1. oh girl, i feel you when it comes to lack of sleep. when i suffered from insomnia, it was AWFUL. as in i felt like a bag of ass all da,y errday FOR YEARS. i hope your sleep fixes itself soon!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. hope your coffee kicks in soon and your day goes fast!!!

  3. I hate insomnia! Hope you can get some well-deserved rest real soon!

  4. Girl I've been there! Makes for such a long day! Hope that coffee kicks in and that something fabulous happens to you today! You deserve it!

  5. Ugh I hate that! I hope your day gets better and you can push through it!! That text in the end definitely made me laugh lol!

  6. I feel you, girl! Hope it gets betetr soon. And your mom in great! :D

  7. I'm dying at your mom's text, that is CLASSIC. Hope your day gets better. Girl, I've been there for weeks if not months. Only thing that helps is coffee and good ghetto music throughout the day.

  8. hahahaha that text! love it. oh you poor thing, that sounds horrible - at least (hopefully!) you will sleep well tonight!

  9. Oh no, praying you have a great day and that you get some sleep tonight! And you're moms text....oh my word, dying here...

  10. Haha oh no, I shouldn't laugh but your Mom is precious. Also it probably won't make you feel any better but I always have to be to work on Monday's at 5am which calls for an early bedtime on a Sunday which never happens. I'm like you and I love me some sleep and fluffy pillows...Hopefully you survive and get some sleep tonight! Hugs from afar!

  11. So sorry hon!! I have to giggle at your mom's response though!
    Sounds like you need a good dark cave in to decompress and keep your sanity. (don't worry, I'm in there today myself!)

  12. Ugh on Sunday's I always lose the battle against insomnia! Give me a Friday night when I have no obligation to get to bed early and I am holding my eyelids open at 10pm, but Sundays love to party on! Go home right after work and get some sleep girl!!

  13. Ugh, insomnia is the worst! I hope you can get some good sleep tonight! I am the same way, I NEED my sleep to function, at least 7 hours or I feel awful! ! LOL at your mom's text, that's hilarious!

  14. The work meme is awesome... sometimes death seems better, right?
    Hope the coffee pulls you through the day.

  15. Lack of sleep makes me feel like a crazy lunatic. I hope you get some tonight!

    LOLOL @ you'll ruin your makeup. Well, it's true.

  16. haha this was my life from 12-22ish? It gets easier, and you learn to ignore it. Just think of how hard you are going to sleep to make up for it. That always cheers me up... that and a freshly made bed.

  17. What a rotten day! I hope the coffee kicks in before too long, and you can start to feel at least borderline human again. You're not planning on going to the gym tonight feeling like this, are you? It sounds like your body just really needs some rest!! Hope you feel better, sweetie. Xo

  18. Oh my gosh, Liz. I'm cracking up at that first pic and your moms text! Well, I am in the exact same boat as you. I take a melatonin every night and sleep good. Not last night, I watched the clock from 9:30 pm until I got up at 5 am! I've downed 2 cups of coffee and have spark for later, I'm praying I can make it through work and our hour training session tonight. Good luck to you too girl!

  19. If you are anything like me, your coma will hit around mid morning, you will be a zombie all day, and then at bedtime, stare at the ceiling. STORY OF MY EFFING life. Hugs, and try to stretch and turn down the lights, put on soft music and drink sleepytime tea. That combo works well for me.

  20. OMG your Mom is too funny! So sorry you didn't get a good night's sleep. It can make a world of difference some days, though I live on 5-6 hours. Not fun! Hope you get to bed early tonight and actually sleep!

  21. Oh man! We have all had days like that. I hope you sleep better tonight! "After, I get into the corporate park and speed walk to my building hoping to dodge all murders and rapists before they decided to turn in for the night." That line made me lol.

  22. Oh gosh! I am so sorry! And I thought my tummy issues were bad this morning until I read your status! One person's bad day is another person's not-so-bad-day lol. I hate it when I can't sleep at night. That's actually one thing I wish I was like you (on a normal night) on...I struggle every night getting enough sleep. And no wonder I sleep in every weekend. Either way I hope you get to leave early and get home and can sleep! I have tried guided meditation, and actually (and surprisingly) as gimmicky as it sounds, it really does help me. And nothing helps me other than melatonin on occasion. Sending positive vibes your way!

  23. My day seems to be going as yours is, except I slept. But, when my alarm went off & I reached over to hit the snooze button, my arm hit the wall. What the hell?!? I was on the floor, next to the bed with pillow & comforter. Believe it or not, I didn't have a sip of an alcoholic beverage the night before. I have yet to determine how that happened, but I sit at my desk at work with a sore body, everything that can can go wrong, wrong & a sick fur baby at home. Namaste, bitches.

  24. You will mess up your make up?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Lack of sleep will certainly make you feel not human! I am sorry you are having such a bad day and I hope that you wake up tomorrow morning rejuvenated and feeling more like yourself!

  25. I LOVE your mother! Hang in there! You know as well as I do, if today sucks that bad then tomorrow could TOTALLY rock!!!!!!!!!! Hugs!

  26. Hopefully your day get's better. I love your mom's response. You will probably sleep very soundly tonight.

  27. Oh my goodness!!!! I hope you are at home sleeping now! WOW you are seriously a TROOPER for even going in to work today!!!!!!!!

    Hope your day got better!!!!!

  28. When I don't get enough sleep I am a MONSTER. And probably every Sunday I get that insomnia. I think your brain starts waking up from the weekend and starts focusing on problems again. On Sunday it has become pretty common for me to start freaking out about bills, life, workouts, work projects, etc until I can't sleep a wink. I have to really make an effort to calm down before bed, make sure I go to the gym on Sunday's, take a hot shower and dismiss the ugly thoughts when they surface to be able to sleep. Even then I usually only manage a few hours. I hope you get a really good nights sleep tonight. I think the world will look a little better once you do!!!

  29. There are few things as awful as not getting enough sleep. It makes all the terrible things you think and feel come alive and you don't have the strength to fight it off, especially if you already have those underlying issues. I know I do, and I get the same way as you describe. It's horrendous in the moment but the good news is that after a good night's sleep--which will come at some point--you'll start to feel better.

    Also, when you're feeling like this again, please reach out to me. We can talk. Because I totally get it.


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