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July 7, 2014

Healing and Independence Weekend

Well, I tell you guys one thing, you all make it hard for me to wallow in my self-pitty. 

I feel selfish because of the support you all have shown me. What I mean by that is: I have so many friends and readers that genuinely seem to care, so for me to just sit around be sad is selfish. From the bottom of my heart and soul all I can say is wow and thank you so, so much. Your emails helped me more than you will know or realize. Whenever I would start slipping back into a dark place, I would get a notification of another email. Your words and stories really did help. 

I am finally starting to get back to a better place. I am not back to 'me' yet, but I am slowly but surely getting there. It is still a process, and one that I have to keep pushing through with, so bare with me a little longer. My heart is coming alive again as well, in a much different outcome than I thought. I hope to elaborate on that soon. 

Peace. I finally feel peace. I do not wake up dreading the day, I am energized, my heart beats slowly, but strong. I can smile. I haven't cried in 2 days. The sun is finally starting to shine on my soul. 

Even though I have been sad, life has still been happening. Work has been busier than it ever has, which has me in a million different directions. It is getting difficult and takes away from this blog some, but my job is what keeps my life afloat so of course it must take priority. Thursday, I bought a new car. My old Mustang was one of the biggest stresses in my life. It was a money pit and I finally had enough. I am in love with my Camry! It is so fancy and classy. I feel like a million bucks driving it. I have still been working out and eating clean; I am down 58 pounds now. I pushed through my plateau and lost 3 pounds last week, so I feel good. Admittedly, I think a lot of it was I just could not eat, but still. Ha. My fourth of July weekend was a lot of fun and filled with family. I spent time with my grandparents and my sister and her boyfriend Dave stayed the weekend with me. Friday we had dinner at a new restaurant in town called "Lure" then watched live music and fireworks. Saturday, my sister and I got massages, Starbucks, worked out, then spent the night with my sister and Dave enjoying dinner, drinks, and UFC. Yesterday I spent the day running errands, cleaning, and prepping for the week. My long weekend was just what I needed. I feel like now I am getting back in the game. The game of life. I have two new recipes to share soon as well. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone!

Oh and I turn 25 years old in 23 days, ah! I can't believe it. 

Try Quest Protein Bars!


  1. So glad you are starting to feel you again! I think everyone has those moments every now and then. LOVE the new car, oh and I almost forgot you are also a July Baby! Oh Hi Birthday Month! :)

  2. Oh honey, this makes me so happy! I am soooo, so happy for you that you are starting to feel better, and seem have turned the corner on this hard time. :) I didn't realize you're a July baby too!! My birthday is on the 25th (two weeks from this Friday), so our bdays are really close together! I love it. :) And congrats on the new's so pretty and shiny!!

  3. Cheers to getting back to you! Take it easy on yourself!

  4. The Happiness Project is an amazing book!! I love you girl, I've been thinking about you and praying for you!

  5. so glad you're back!!! Look at that fancy car! Life is going to be so much less stressful with a Toyota! Yay for breaking through the plateau too!

  6. So glad things are looking up for you sweetie!!
    Love the new car ;))

  7. It's amazing what taking some time to refresh and be around loved ones can do for your spirits. Also, that new car is amazing! Have you named him/her yet? ;) I always name my cars. HAHA.

  8. The Happiness Project is a great read! I am glad you are feeling better. I went through some of the "baby blues" this past month...I know it can be hard. I hope things just keep looking up for you! xo
    - Changed my blog address btw, no longer Style Oyster. It's

  9. Hey you... PRETTY LADY!!! Swing by and pick me up in your HOT NEW RIDE!!!!! ;)

    I'm glad you're back, and getting closer to being "you".


  10. Thinking of you! Glad you're feeling better!

  11. You look gorgeous girl. You always do and dont let a damn soul tell you other wise. Not sure what's going on with you but you should be able to work thru it with all the fitness you do girl. Keep your head up baby girl and life will get better. I'm here if you need a friend.

  12. Glad to see things are getting better for you! I hope it continues down this path for a good long while. Oh and down 58 lbs!? Congratulations for that one as well, that's huge!!

  13. Glad things are getting a little brighter for you!!!

  14. Yay for starting to feel better again! I literally made this delicious fruit pizza as a dessert for the 4th and it's so stinking good. Glad to see you sharing the recipe soon!

  15. Congrats on your new car! I hope you continue feeling better and your spirits are lifted. I'll have to check out The happiness Project it looks interesting.

  16. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better! Life is tough sometimes. I thought about you over the past week. Something that helped me when I was feeling similar is

    Hope you find some encouragement like I did!

  17. Your new car is so cute. and so you! YAY!

    I am glad you are getting back into that happiness again. It's definitely a slow process but so worth it in the end. When I did my "Happiness: Growing and ReGaining" Series on my old blog. It was so refreshing for me and the pay off was incredible. YOU are in charge of your own happiness and you will get there again. I'm so proud of you!

    -Ashlee Michelle

  18. I am glad the process is coming along- even if it is slow. While you are picking up Kateri, pick me up too! The new car is so pretty and you may as well have payments on something reliable vs. paying stupid repairs and having to figure out transportation.

  19. I love the new car!! Super pretty (we are truly bffs-- I drive a white carmy)... I love you! & so glad you are taking a look around you too see what is stressing you out and changing the things you can!!

  20. So glad you are starting to feel better and in a better place. I was worried about you. Congrats on the new car, it looks very fancy.

  21. Glad to see you're feeling better.

  22. Glad you feel even just a little better. You look beautiful in that pic!

  23. I'm so glad you're feeling better, I was thinking about you this week and hoping you were OK. I know the change can be really difficult, especially when it's everything at once. Keep your head up, things will get better!

  24. I am glad to see you back in the game and feeling better. I thought about you all weekend after I read your post. It looks like you are having a good time and as beautiful as ever! What I wouldn't do to be 25 again!! I loved it. Keep on truckin' girlfriend and you will make it through!! Have a great Tuesday.

  25. so glad you are feeling better lovely, big hugs. and 25? you're such a youngen ;) hope you have big plans to go crazy! haha. oooh the happiness project is on my list to read, hope its good!

  26. So glad you're starting to feel better! Love the car and you look gorgeous!!

  27. I am glad you are starting to feel a little better. It is ok to feel down sometimes, it happens to all of us. Congrats on your new car! I used to have a Camry and LOVED it!

  28. So glad you are starting to feel better. New car (looks awesome, congrats!) new start! Can't wait to see that new recipe!!

  29. I read The Happiness Project a few years ago when I was struggling to finish school, fight a health condition and get a good job. It was a good book to read when I was having a really tough time!!! The new car looks great. Love my Toyota!

  30. Hey gorgeous! So happy to hear that you're feeling better! I've been pretty down lately too. Still working my way up! Congrats on the new car! :)

  31. I can't believe you're only turning 25... you're so much more mature than that!!!!! Such a good head on your shoulders, girl!! :D


    I AM AMANDA MORELLI my husband dumped me 9(nine) months ago after I accused him of seeing another girl. I wanted him back in my life but he refused to have any contact with me. He changed his mobile number, blocked me from sending him mails and even on facebook. I was so confused and lost concentration that made me lose my job, it was disastrous. I kept seeing on several blogs how a spell caster keeps helping people get their ex back and I contacted this spell caster called DR OYAKHILOMEN for help, he assured me in 48hours that my ex will return to me, and to my greatest surprise my ex called me for the first time since we broke up. I am so happy that my love is back again, we are now happier than ever and I have gotten a job far better than my previous one, once again thank you DR OYAKHILOMEN , you are truly gifted and powerful. Email this wonderful man on He is the only answer to your problems. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing his name for the good work he did for me . again his email address is

  33. Just hang in there my friend....everything will turn out alright for someone as fantastic as you!!!


  34. I feel ya.. I got my own problems I'm trying to work through, been working on these for 2 years now, still not "me" yet. I know how it is. But I know one thing, talking about it, whether is on a blog post or in a email, It's really healthy to let it out and don't keep it in, that's one thing I've learned, if nothing else. My heart will never be what it once was, its been broken one too many times, by the people I thought never would break it to start with. But I love the car, I need to check out that book for sure. Also I cant wait for that recipe! Hang in there, I'm here if you need anything, ANYTHING! *hugs*

  35. i am from new york city i want to share my testimony to everybody i have been married for 5years and my marriage was successful, but few months ago our romantic feeling was going down everyday there was no romance. I was scared that I am loosing my husband to someone else,so I search on the internet and I found a spiritualist that help in spiritual cleaning and divination to intervene in my love Life with the necessary spiritual cleaning, everything was alright again in my Life. DR.OYAKHILOMEN I met on internet help me out within 48hours,passion and romantic was again in our home and also help me enlarge my breast and ass with his herbs, our marriage is stronger than ever,specialize in the fields of Love, Money, Power, Success, Sickness,Pregnancy, Marriage, Job, Protection, Lottery,Court Case, Luck. etc you can email him via

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