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June 19, 2014

#BeFearless - Your Stories on How You Live Fearlessly

I am very excited that today is the day you guys share your story on how you live fearlessly. Fearless is the new project I am working on; and I wanted to take it beyond my story. It does not matter who you are or where you are from, we all should live fearlessly. I want my blog to be always be a place where one can find hope and inspiration. My big journey is about losing weight and truly finding my purpose in life. I am currently overcoming a lot of obstacles as well. Reading other stories of how people overcame afflictions and pain, really keep me going when I am pessimistic and doubting everything I work for. And trust me, it does happen. Sometimes it all takes is that little drop of inspiration to completely turn your day around; and I hope you can find that here.

This is a special linkup; it does not end. Your stories will be displayed on my Fearless page and on the #BeFearless Project blog

If you have a blog: write a blog post, add the below picture, on your blog and link it up - include the title of your story on the link up. You can add your story on this blog entry, my Fearless page, or on the #BeFearless Project blog

If you do not have a blog: email me your story along with 1-3 pictures (optional), what you want the title of your story to be, and way(s) readers of your stories can contact you (optional). I will then extract the information you provided, create a post on the #BeFearless Project blog, and link your post.

If you have not written your story yet or you are just now currently starting to live it, you can always link up at a later time. It's never too late to live fearlessly.

Liz @ Fitness Blondie



  1. Can't wait to read all the stories today!

  2. :) I really need to sit down and right my WHOLE story out. But, I think each week, I want to say why I am fearless...

    But, one day, you are getting a NOVEL.

  3. I LOVE this idea, beautiful! It's so supportive and empowering, and I specifically love that you say how it doesn't matter where you came from, it's all about overcoming obstacles (no matter how big or small). You are an inspiration, and I can't WAIT to keep reading your blog! xox

  4. What a wonderful idea. I'm so bummed I totally blanked out on this link up! Well done, Liz!

  5. You rock for doing this Liz. Sharing our stories is what life is all about. Cheers girlfriend.

  6. These are going to be awesome to read!!!

  7. What a great program. I need to write one myself!

  8. This is such a good idea and I absolutley love this! I can't wait to read them all!

  9. I love this. I am so excited to go through and read all the stories, and then add my own. Making this a permanent link up is maybe the smartest idea anyone has ever had. I love it. This is just amazing, and I'm so, so, so proud of you for getting yourself to this point in your life, and sharing your inspiration with others. You're the best. Xo

  10. I LOVE this!! You seriously rock... like you are the ish! I have been thinking of many of my stories but I am not quite ready to share them with the world.... yet.

  11. That was much harder to write than I thought it would be. Thank you for inspiring me ever day. <3

  12. That was much harder to write than I thought it would be. Thank you for inspiring me ever day. <3

  13. I think this is a brilliant idea. I haven't written my story yet but I have a few things I could write about. I feel like I've had to overcome quite a bit in my life. And somethings I'm still working on. Your story is so inspirational!

  14. I haven't written mine yet but I plan to! Such a good idea and such great stories!

  15. seriously, you are so amazing lady. i am so happy for you, and as always you're inspiring me (and i'm sorry for blowing up your inbox today). i havent written my personal story yet but i have been wanting to, and this gives me the perfect 'excuse' to. love ya!


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