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April 18, 2014

High 5, it is finally Friday!

I am so happy to see it is finally Friday. I am ready for the weekend and time off of work, ha. I wish I had a long weekend like most of my friends, but I am leaving work an hour early today so I guess that is better than nothing. My weeks have been a bit redundant lately. I'm working a lot and hitting the gym hard after work everyday. Then I come home. That is about the extent of my rock star life right now. Work is crazy - there is so much going on and by the time I leave work, it is all I can do to muster up the strength to train at the gym. I think I am turning into that woman who talks about her job too much, oops! I know it will all pay off so I keep going. I keep going with a smile on my face as well!

The week started off nicely since (1) my Ipsy bag came! What do you guys think so far? I am pleased with it. I am impressed Urban Decay was in there - I have used the eyeliner all week. The eye shadow is cute, too. However, I don't use the microdermabrasion or the eye shadow brush so if anyone wants to trade - let me know. I think some people were getting a light pink lip stick/gloss - I want it!

If you don't know what Ipsy is - it is a monthly makeup bag you receive via mail. It is only $10 a month and with that you get a makeup bag and 3-4 beauty products. You are billed on the first of every month and products arrive between the 10-15th! When you sign up, you get to customize your settings so you get products closely matched to your beauty preferences. If you want to join, please click here and use my link! I will appreciate you!

Wednesday evening, (2) I indulged in the most fantastic cheat meal ever. The gym was hard. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was struggling. I was on the go so much at work, I know I did not eat enough. Then when I finally did get to eat, I don't think my food had enough time to properly digest. Nonetheless, I push hard at the gym and I sweated like never before. 50 minutes of cardio and my core workout; it was brutal. I was starving after. I felt like I could have ate a house. I picked up the most delicious pizza I have had in a long time at a local italian restaurant. It was a personal pizza and only $6! I had spinach, mushroom, and pepperoni. Seriously, how amazing does this look?  

I got my hair done last weekend. I'm back with my platinum roots and lovely red streaks - I could not be happier. I am trying not to wash my hair too much right now so they do not fade as quickly. Thus (3) I have been getting creative with my hair-do's. I have not done a head braid in a while and I did one Thursday and today. It's my favorite look. I feel like a princess or gypsy, ha.

Last night I did my grocery shopping so I would not have to do it this weekend. I still have to get my vegetables but I got the items I get at Harris Teeter and Target out of the way. I get my vegetables at Earthfare or local stands. Anyways, I think I need to stop grocery shopping at Target. I always end up getting clothes or things I don't need. That store is like crack to me. However, their jeans have been impressing me like crazy lately; I have been getting all of my new pairs from them! (4) And last night was no different - I love my new jeans! OK and a new shirt for work. I could not pass up the pretty blue color. Seriously, Target has totally stepped their jean game up. Also you can text a number for $5 off a pair. Go to your local store and you will see a sign for the code.

Lastly, (5) say hello to my Olympia sponsor this month, Maegan. Her blog is "Creating Confidence". To all of my amazing friends and readers, please pop over and say hello to her. She is trying to grow and spread the message of her blog, and I could not more excited to help promote her. You guys know I am all about "girl power" and empowering women -- so is she. I worked with Maegan at LA Fitness and she is a wonderful friend of mine. Another fun fact - she was on America's Got Talent. Y'all know that is my favorite show. She writes about being a teenager and young woman in the American society. She also provides interesting prospective's on how the media and TV affects us from our looks to behaviors. Maegan posts are refreshing and a must have on your blog roll!

  photo meagan_zps8cdd5b9e.jpg

I hope you guys have the best weekend ever. Don't forget to link up today and share your Friday 5!


  1. That pizza looks delish!! I would've been in heaven eating that! And as always your hair looks fabulous! I can't wait for my hair to grow out a little bit more so I can style it that way! Hope you have a great weekend chick!!

  2. That pizza looks amazing! Your hair looks SUPER cool! I was much happier with Ipsy this month. I was impressed with the urban decay eye liner too! My review will be up on Monday.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. I love the hair! I wish I could figure out how to braid another other direction than straight down the back of my head!

  4. That pizza looks amazing and totally worth it after kicking your butt at the gym. Way to go lady!

    LOVING the hair and that braid in the front, fabulous!

    Have a great day!

  5. LOVE the hair braid and pink ♡

  6. that pizza. i need it in my life. yum! totally worth it after you worked so hard.

  7. I'm obsessed with your pink and blond braid!!! So pretty!!! Thanks so much for linking up! xoxo

  8. I feel you on the whole working thing and it seems like my days are just passing by! Love that braid, so cute!

  9. What a great cheat meal, that pizza looks good. Love the braid, it makes the red pop.

  10. That pizza does look good even if I took the mushies off haaa. And again I love that braid!!

  11. Your braid is fantastic! So cute for spring!

  12. I love Target because I use my red card and get an extra 5% off. Plus cartwheel and the coupons rock! I just don't even go near the clothes. hahaha

  13. Ipsy definitely has the best subscription boxes it seems like! I'm jealous of the loot you got!

  14. Liz, your hair is really pretty. I meant to ask you, is your job in a creative sort of field? I ask because in another post you mentioned having a corporate job and being a manager - and not working there for too long - at my office, which is pretty conservative being in the financial industry, no one, manager or not would be allowed to work there with the red streaks like that. And though I love that orange shirt you wore to your workshop, our managers would never wear that to work - never show upper arms or cleavage....and we'd send home even a receptionist or assistant who wore it. I am NOT being critical - somehow my comments seem to rub you the wrong way and I don't mean to. I'm jealous - I'd LOVE to be able to dress a little more creatively for work. In a creative field like marketing, fashion design, journalism, etc - it would be very appropriate - that's why I asked what field you are in.

    1. I don't feel that way about your questions. I don't get offended and you never rub me the wrong way. I just feel like you only ever comment to me about my clothes, haha. First, I just kind of think it's sad that the "corporate world" judges someone so extensively on their looks. Fortunately a lot more companies are turning away from that - lucky for me! My company is a outsourcing company, businesses who want to contract their administration and accounting can do that to us. Our primary our client is a magazine publisher. We were actually one big company until we split off in July. My office is just really cool. We have a big, gorgeous office, and we are huge on diversity. Plus my President is a Godsend. He lets me look however I want to (within reason, of course). He knows how smart I am and how hard I work so who cares if you have different hair or tattoo's - he certainly doesn't. I don't know if the fact that my company is Canadian based has anything to do with it either. I don't show cleavage though - it may come off of as that way with the pictures and how I am bending and positioned for them, but I certainly do not dress trashy or like I am going out somewhere. With the shirt I wore, the orange one, I wore a dress jacket over it most of the day, but not the full time because I got hot. Arms are just arms, I don't know why those would have to be covered up. It's not a rule here.

    2. Liz - I comment about your clothes and hair because I like them and that's pretty much what I notice at first when I look at your blog. Then I read it and see that you are a pretty cool person with good ideas about fitness and a good work ethic.

      You are so lucky - I agree about the corporate world - and you are so lucky to have an office that is cool and allows people to be themselves. I think the financial industry is the most conservative there is - pants and a jacket or skirt with a jacket - usually a boring black or navy - is the norm. I try to mix it up like you with a really bright colored shirt underneath. One lady wore a cherry red skirt and jacket with a black lacy blouse underneath - I loved it but she was looked at sideways all day by "upper" management.

      I certainly don't think you dress trashy - please don't think that. You look really good and I am so proud of you for losing the weight and inches - I'm trying too, but I'm a few years older than you and unfortunately the older you get the harder it is for the weight to come off. Plus, I don't want to give up my wine!

    3. Well thank you! I appreciate that.

      After I submitted my comment back to you, I noticed you were in the financial industry and you are certainly right - it is definitely the most conservative industry to be in. That outfit the woman wore, sounds gorgeous. I would so rock something like that. Maybe not with lace though. I have one lace tank top I wear to work sometimes but it is only the very top of it that has a lace design, not the whole thing. It sounds like whomever was giving their employee the "side-eye" needs to reevaluate their own life and happiness. People who so negative and judgmental to others like that are usually pretty miserable. I have been around a lot of people like that, there are people like at my job, and they are typically just really bored and empty.

      I appreciate you following along on my blog, I really do. You're right, it does get harder when you're older, that is why back in November I knew I had to get back on the right path. It gets hard though. There are cupcakes in my break room, I am fighting temptation now. And I'm with you - I will never give up my wine either. I haven't had any in almost two weeks though, I think I'll have a vodka tonic tonight.

      Hopefully ONE DAY you will change your settings so I can email you back. Ha! XO

    4. Check your Fitness Blondie gmail - I just sent you one so you'll have my email address! :)

  15. Seriously, that pizza looks amazing!! Now I want pizza. Love your hair too, that head braid looks great, love it with your red.

  16. That pizza looks delicious! And your color streak in your braid is so pretty!!

    I like grocery shopping at Target because I have a red card to get 5% off and then the cartwheel app usually saves me a few dollars too. I usually have to go to Publix to get some produce and maybe a few items Target didn't have. I only let myself graze the outside perimeter of the store for clearance each week and try to avoid the clothes AND the beauty stuff. It is hard but I know I just get in trouble. Although, I have had the worst luck with their clothes lately...they don't fit me like they used to. Glad you are having luck! Maybe I need to give them another go.

  17. That pizza looks absolutely delicious! I love, love the red in your hair. I have always wanted to dye my hair but am afraid it will turn out awful. The braid with the red and blonde mix looks amazing!

  18. I absolutely love your hair! I wish I had the patience to do anything exciting with my hair in the morning.

    That pizza looks delicious too, spinach and mushrooms are my favourite pizza toppings. They taste fantastic with a little bit of basil pesto drizzled on top...and now I'm hungry.

  19. The crust on the pizza looks like its begging to be dipped in ranch!


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