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March 9, 2014

Sprang forward into an amazing weekend!

Hey guys! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend, and if you live in a state that lost an hour of sleep today (I do), I hope that it is not effecting you too much. I for one have had the best weekend! My work and training are my two priorities throughout the week so on the weekends I like to really make the best of my time and go have fun!

Friday when I went for my B12 injection, I weighed and lost 1 pound! Normally I would bummed with one pound, but last week I lost 5.2 so I knew this would probably not be anything, so 1 pound was a welcome surprise, especially with my RLS complications. Once work was over on Friday, Kels and I went to the mall then uptown with her boyfriend Drew to the Epicenter. We went to "Studio Movie Grill". We had a glass of wine before the movie at the lounge and once seated, we ordered dinner and the wait staff brought the food during the movie. It was an awesome time, I have only done something similar to that one other time. I loved the way the theater was decorated! There were pictures of famous movie stars everywhere. I had to snap Marilyn!

Saturday morning I was up bright and early. I had an awesome work out. I did 50 minutes of cardio and upper body weight circuit. Friday was so rainy, deary, and cold. Luckily yesterday was absolutely beautiful. A light breeze, upper 60's, and the sun shinned bright. I was happy to be able to walk to the gym again!

After I got home from the gym, I got ready then Kelly, Drew, and I went to Gold Hill, NC to "Morgan Ridge Vineyards". We had tickets for a tour and wine tasting. I was so excited because though I love to drink wine, I have never really been to an actual vineyard. I was looking forward to this all week - can't you tell! Ha.

We had the absolute best time. The vineyard and farm are so, so beautiful. It would be the perfect place to have a wedding or fancy party. We had a lot of different wines, the staff was extremely friendly, I loved being out in the country like that again. My favorite type of wine was a peach type wine they offered. Drew was not much into the wine so he kept to his beer flights, ha!

I got home from the vineyard around 8:30 PM. I had dinner and was exhausted after. However, since I have been on the go the last couple of weekends so much, I have neglected giving my apartment a deep scrub. It was driving me crazy so I made myself do it. I cleaned for an hour and a half and really wore myself out so I went to bed shortly after.

This morning I slept in until 10, had breakfast, and got ready for my favorite activity - hiking. Unfortunately, my friends who were supposed to go with me were really hungover. Ha. But that didn't stop me. I am on a mission to become better than I have ever been and though I am not there yet, every day I am getting closer, so I had to go! I normally would not recommend anyone to hike alone, but I know the trails very well and go a lot, so I knew I would be OK. I still called my mom and gave her a detailed description of what I was wearing and that I would call her when I am done. I then, took off! 

It was an amazing hike. I actually prefer going alone. I blasted my music, prayed, talked to God, thought about life, and it was so freeing. Hiking is so hard to me and every time I get to the top of the mountain, I am so proud of myself!

Once I made it to the top, I said a little prayer. "Dear God, I know I complain to you... a lot...but today I wanted to say thank you so much for two able legs, a strong heart to push on even with I have fallen on top of a huge rock, tripped over 56 smaller ones, tripped over 46 tree roots, and almost puked the last quarter mile to the top". Ha. Like I said, it is hard to me, but I love it. I enjoy it so much. After I finished, I put the top back, blasted my country music, and relished in the 45 minute drive home. I am beat.

I just got in from grocery shopping, now I am going to soak in a bubble path, then get food prepped for the week. After that I plan to veg out with all of the amazing TV shows that are on tonight. I am so excited REVENGE is back! That show is like crack to me. I also excited for the show coming on before it, "Resurrection", it looks really interesting. I have to ice my knee too - I was not kidding when I said I fell on top of a rock. I tripped (because I am so graceful) and fell right on it. Go figure! Have a great week!


  1. That vineyard does look gorgeous and a perfect place for a wedding! I love seeing movies when they bring you dinner before the show! Also, good for you going on your hike even though your friends couldn't!

  2. Your weekend looks like so much fun!!! I love your outfit from the vineyard, super cute! I've always wanted to do a wine tasting, just haven't gotten around to it yet. How do you like your Polar watch? I've been thinking of getting one but I want to get peoples' opinions before I spend the money on it.

  3. You are just to gorgeous women! You know when I am focusing on losing weight any weight off is happy time! Be pumped that you are so dedicated!

  4. What a wonderful weekend! And you are kicking butt with the weight loss!!!

  5. What a great weekend. I love that it included so many outdoor shots, beautiful!!

  6. I wish you lived closer! I totally would have gone hiking with you! I am really so incredibly excited for spring to come up here in NY, I want to hike so bad!!

  7. Looks like a great weekend! I love cupcake wine and your beautiful hair of course!

  8. i LOVE LOVE hiking trails. we run our trails and those hills are KILLER but you burn some serious calories and it's a great full body workout.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  9. I LOVE your pink hair! I so wish I would do that!

  10. That winery and hike look beautiful! Looks like an amazing weekend!!

  11. Beautiful scenery on your hike! That has to be the best movie theater ever! I would love to have something like that around here!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  12. Thaqt winery looks amazing! I love being able to sample and find new wines! You looked amazing! I LOVE hiking. We still have too much snow to go but I am hoping this weekend it will be all melted so I can go. It is such a good workout.

  13. so two things. 1) your hair & makeup at the vineyard look amazing! 2) your view on that hike is spectacular and i'm mega jealous...

    thanks for linking up :)

  14. Girl you are so gorgeous! and hey! losing 1 pound is always better than gaining that 1 pound! You go girl!
    Showered With Design

  15. Looks like a great weekend, love wine tasting! And your hair looks fabulous :)!

  16. What a great weekend, nothing better than hiking in Gods beauty! Your hair looks FAB!

  17. Sounds like you had a great weekend and a killer hike! The only winery that I have been to was in Gatlinburg TN. I would like to visit more, but I am more of a beer person myself and like hitting up breweries. However, I think wineries are so beautiful!

    Hope you have a great week!

  18. Sounds like a perfect weekend!!!

    I wish we had a place like that to hike around here it's beautiful!

  19. Sounds like an amazing weekend!! You go girl. I wish I had that much motivation.

    Wish we lived closer so we could hike together! Happy Monday!

  20. What a fun weekend! You look amazing and I'm so jealous of your hike. Can't wait for the snow to melt off so I can get some hikes in. My all time favorite thing to do! A pound is a pound, right!? It's worth celebrating. Congrats!


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