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February 23, 2014

A super fun, beautiful Spring-like weekend recap!

What a weekend! It was packed with some of my favorite ladies and a lot of fun. However, so much for my "sleeping in" plan. Ha! Friday I was dragging. It was a great day at work, but I was just exhausted. I went to my doctor at 1 PM for my  B12 and to weigh. I lost 2.2 pounds last week! My total down since November 25th: 31.6 pounds! When my work day was finally over, I decided to skip the gym. I knew if I made myself go, the workout would be bad. Since it was a beautiful day, I put the top down, blasted country music, and drove home. 

I had my awesome Ipsy bag waiting on me, finally! It only took it 11 days to arrive. If you don't know what Ipsy is, it is a monthly makeup bag that you receive via mail for only $10 a month. You get a makeup bag each month along with 4-5 beauty products. If you want to join, please use my link, just click here. I am very impressed with this months bag! I also received a shipment of protein bars from my friends nutrition company. Kelly decided to come over and we did a taste test with my new protein bars. I had not tried any of the flavors I received! I really like the cinnamon roll Quest Bar but did not like apple pie flavor. I was also given the new "Oh Yeah" protein bars. They are formulated to taste just as good as Quest Bar's. And to my surprise, they actually were! Plus they have more fiber. After Kelly left. I relaxed with "Dr. Phil" and "Party Down South". It was glorious. Oh and how beautiful is my best friend?

Saturday morning I was up bright and early. I made breakfast, folded some laundry (ugh) and then took off to the gym. I normally hate working out in the morning, but I had to get it in or else I would not have been able to train. To my surprise it was an AWESOME workout. A day of rest will do the body so much good. I am happy I decided to take Friday evening off from the gym. I did 45 minutes of cardio and an upper body weight circuit. I lifted heavy and pushed through and hard on the cardio. It felt so, so amazing! On top of that, it was a gorgeous day -- sunny with a light breeze, and in the mid-60's. How beautiful is my view?

Since the weather was so beautiful. I decided to wear all white. I love white on white with a colored belt. It may not be the best fashion choice, but I don't follow fashion so I don't really care, ha!

Once ready, I left so I could pick up Kelly. There are not many acceptable reasons to mess up freshly conditioned and straightened hair, but being able to put the top down in February is one of them!

After I picked up Kels, we went to the "Southern Home and Garden Expo". That is definitely not my type of thing or idea of fun, but her boyfriend, who happens to be my good friend, Drew had a booth setup promoting his amazing home building and remodeling company. So of course we had to go show our support. It turned out to be a really fun time! Plus there was wine, so that makes it all worth it.

Everyone was writing on that chalk board so of course I had to leave mine and Kels mark on there!

If you or someone you know lives in or near Charlotte, NC please check out Drew's company Artistic Contractors. He works so hard and is such a smart person. He is 29 years old and already owns his own company - talk about drive. I can't wait to see where his business goes. They have created some of the most amazing houses - all different types from modern to Victorian. Plus they can remodel a home.

I left the expo around 6:30 to meet my long, lost friend Crystal. I have not seen her since New Year's so we were overdue for a dinner date. We went to one of my favorite restaurants; Stone Mountain Grill. We had a "French Kiss" martini and a delicious dinner. I am usually not a "meat and potatoes" kind of girl, but I was last night! I had grilled chicken with caramelized onions, mushrooms, and cheese with a side of fresh vegetables and the thickest mashed red potatoes. That is what I call an amazing "treat meal". 

After dinner with Crystal, I was a big ole loser and went grocery shopping. I knew I would not feel like doing it today, so I am glad I went ahead and got it done last night. When I got home, I put my things away and went to bed pretty early. I woke up bright and early today since my best friend Brooke and I were going hiking. We met up with our friends Jennifer and Josh as well. Hiking is my favorite type of cardio to do. Luckily since the we have had such a beautiful weekend, we were able to go. It was a little cooler than I thought it would be, but we had a lot of fun!

When Brooke and I finished hiking, I was exhausted. It was a welcome exhaustion though, it means we worked extremely hard. I dropped Brooke off at my apartment when we got back to Charlotte and I took off to Target. I knew if I did not go then, I would not go. It wasn't one of those fun Target trips either. Ugh. I needed cat stuff and cleaning supplies. I did score a cute new purple tank top for the gym on clearance for only $5 though. However, I ended up spending $53! How is this $53 dollars worth?! Grr, it makes me so mad. Target, I love you but I hate you, ha.

After Target I was FINALLY home. It was not time to rest yet though. I felt like a walking zombie. I had to clean though. It was driving my crazy. Marty is one hairy fur ball so I have to ensure I dust and Clorox every week and vacuum twice a week. I made myself do it and finished it in 45 minutes. It is a beautiful day so I have the windows open and letting the sunshine coming through. It is much more enjoyable when you have a clean living room, too. Doesn't the cat tower add so much to the room as well? Ha!

I am finally, finally showered and ready to relax for the evening. I can't wait to binge out on the MTV specials tonight with the original Teen Mom cast (don't judge me). I hope you guys had a great weekend and do not forget to link up with all of the Monday ones that will be going on!

One last thing...


  1. I am so jealous you can go hiking in February!!! Your weekend sounds awesome....I love going to the home show....Im such a nerd like that.

    girl, I feel your pain on hair everywhere...2 cats and a dog that sheds...I MUST vacuum everyday!!! Target is the DEVIL!!!!! You go for a few things and $50+ later you finally get out, I actually did great last week and got in and out only spending $35

    have great week love!

  2. Looks like you had an amazing weekend! Holla for this gorgeous weekend we had here in North Cackalacky. Praiiiiiiise the Lord!! lol

    I see you got something from Mally in your Ipsy box! I love her line - she has a ton of fantastic products. She's also as cute as a button and cracks me up (don't know if you've ever seen homegirl on QVC selling her stuff!)

    No judgement on the Teen Mom 2 binge watching. I'm into it too. Gahhhhhhh!

  3. Sounds like an amazing and fun filled weekend! Mine consisted of being home bound. Literally. We got so much snow and ice that we couldn't get out of our driveway, ugh. I cannot even fathom having my windows open, it's supposed to be in the single digits all week...

  4. I also went to Target this weekend to buy a baby shower card and ended up spending $60!! They always get ya! I swear!

  5. Your pictures from hiking are awesome! I'm so glad you had such a great weekend :)

  6. I didn't like the apple pie Quest Bar either!!! I thought it was going to be so good, but I was disappointed. Thank goodness they make plenty of other great flavors! Looks like you had a great weekend! I can't wait for the snow to melt up here in Jersey so I can start hiking again - it is one of my favorite things to do in the spring and summer!

  7. Great pics! Congrats on the loss and no judgements here on Teen Mom. I love the original cast!

  8. I got the same gloss and polish in my Ipsy bag. Girl you looked fabulous all in white! I am so jealous you got to go hiking!! I am so ready to get out on the trails. I much prefer hiking to the gym, don't unfriend me, but I do! You were a busy girl this weekend but looks like a good mix of fun and getting it done!

  9. I can't wait to go hiking again!!! And how in the hell can you clean everything so quickly? Maybe its bc my fiance is a mess but it takes me way more than 45 mins to clean the house!

  10. what a great weekend!!!! that is such a cool place to hike, we might have to try that sometime, so close to home!!! glad you had fun at the spring show, we went last year it was so cool they had some show rooms set up like the great gatsby. Loved it!!

  11. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I also watched the Teen Mom specials - what did you think? I can't help myself - it's always been a guilty pleasure.

    Have a great week!

  12. What a beautiful and fun weekend :) Looking forward to that giveaway!

  13. That view is amazing & that food looks so good. I'm totally with you on folding laundry. Washing, drying, putting it biggie...but folding? Oh how I hate folding.

  14. Your hike looked amazing - I love being so drained because of a great workout!! One of the best feelings. Dinner on Saturday looked yummy as well! I'm not sure how target manages to do it to us all but they always win!! Happy Monday!

  15. I love Dr. Phil! I've been without him for the past TWO WEEKS :-( Where I live, they took him off due to the Olympics. He's back on today! I've missed so many good episodes though :-(

    Looks like a fun weekend!!

  16. Wow, your results are amazing and inspiring. Great weekend update post!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  17. It sounds like you had a blast at that expo!! Also...mid-60s??? I am beyond jealous!! I'd prance around in shorts and flip-flops if it even topped 50 around here! I'm dying to go running outside on a regular basis again. And of course, you are looking fabulous as always girl!

  18. I love spring-teaser days! Congrats on 31.6 pounds! I hate laundry too, lol...I will always hit tumble again instead of just taking things out, haha.

  19. Wow--was that a weekend or a vacation? My weekends are usually not worthy of blog posting:( #busymommyproblems Unless you want to see the 52 loads of laundry piled on my bed:)
    And that Breeze Cat litter is the BOMB!!! We use that for our 2 kitties too!

  20. What a sensational Weekend! and I am jealous of the weather ! I want to move to NC now! Also I love your necklace!

  21. That Zoya polish looks like a perfect "Radiant Orchid" color for this year's Color of the Year! Love your hiking pictures - hiking is one of my favorite activities for cardio as well. :)

    aka Bailey

  22. I never get out of Target for cheap. It is IMPOSSIBLE!!! Looks like you had a fabulous weekend! We had some spring-like weather too and I was loving it! I am so ready for flip flops it's not even funny!

    Your cat tower screams "I love my fur ball" just like the 20 dog toys scattered about my living room does in my house. :) Nothing wrong with that!

    Have a great week!

  23. Where did you hike at babe? My hubby and I go hiking and are tired of the same ole places. The weather did ROCK this weekend, loved it and I'm glad you did too!

  24. My Ipsy always arrives late. It annoys me!

    I'm heading to Target tonight, hoping to stick to my list!

  25. i would give ANYTHING to hit the trails right now...i'm DYING to go! but right now, we're waist deep in snow and expecting more tonight. the joys of living in canada!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  26. What an awesome weekend with friends, wine, hiking and outdoors. Who could ask for more? Oh, and the potatoes & chicken look fab-uh-luss!! I giggled when you said "treat meal". I always call it "cheat" but I think it is cuz I am conditioned -old skool.

  27. You are a busy lady!! Sounds like a lot of fun though. And you look awesome!!


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