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January 26, 2014

A wonderful weekend recap with a progress picture!

Oh, baby! There is not much better than a 3-day weekend. Especially when it is filled with friends and family. I have been thoroughly enjoying myself!

Friday, I was really, really tired. It was freezing in Charlotte, too. My body is not made for this cold weather we have been having lately. I worked all day, and on my lunch hour went to my doctor to get my weekly vitamin B12 injection. As always, I has them weigh me. I lost 2 pounds last week! I am now down 25 pounds since November 25th. Only 15 more pounds until I am back to my normal weight before all of the medical issues I endured last year. But I am not stopping there. When I think about it, it really sucks that I have been working so damn hard over the past 8 weeks and that I am trying to get back to where I was a year ago. It depresses me, but bad things are going to happen in life and we just have to keep going.

Thankfully after work, it was my rest day from the gym. I could barely keep my eyes open so I was looking forward to going home. However, I went to Target and Harris Teeter to get groceries first. While in the store, I had the funnest recipe pop into my head to make for dinner! I have decided to name it "Fit Spinach Lasagna Rolls". They are absolutely delicious. I will have the recipe up soon. I need to ensure the nutritional information and write the recipe out. I was kind of winging it Friday night!

I paired it with a glass of "Roscato" (Thanks Meredith!) and dinner was delicious. I also watched "The Butler" - which by the way was a great movie!

I ended up falling asleep at 10:30 and got a solid 9 hours of sleep. It was glorious! I woke up ready to go Saturday morning at 7:30. I was productive, too! I did a load of laundry and packed for my grandparent's. I went to the gym around 10. All I can say is, holy shit what a work out! It was such a good training session. A good carbohydrate load the night before, a solid night of sleep, and a rest day from the gym made for the best work out. I did 30 minutes on the Ellitpical, a 12 minute inclined walk - on the highest level, and then did an upper body weight circuit. I was soaked when I left. 

It was then time to go back to the apartment and get ready so I could drive to Greensboro for the night!


I drove 2 and half hours north of Charlotte to stay with my grandparents for the night. I did not see them over Christmas, so we needed to catch up. I am insanely close with them; they are like another set of parents to me. 

Oh, and how beautiful is their home? 

(^ My bedroom)

I had the best time, I always do. My grandmother is my best friend. We can talk for hours and it feels like 5 minutes. For dinner, my Papa grilled porkchops and my grandmother prepared salad's. They would not let me help so I enjoyed myself reading my Kindle by the fire in the sunroom. It was so cozy, especially with it not only being so cold, but windy.

Papa loves to talk and tell me old stories about when he was growing up. They are hilarious. He told me literally about how he had to walk to school in the snow when he lived in New York. True story - hilarious.

Finally, dinner was ready. Every time I stay with my grandparents, papa grills me porkchops. I normally never eat them, but his have the key to my heart. They are spicy, tasty, and most of all; tender.

After dinner I was in a food coma. My grandmother and I talked more, then I settled in upstairs to read and relax. Unfortunately, I slept like crap. I fell asleep around 11 PM, but kept waking up every single hour. I finally gave up on sleep at 7:30 AM. I have been paying for it today. I have been SO, so tired. I had breakfast with my grandmother then took off back to Charlotte shortly after.

When I got back to the apartment I cleaned up some then it the gym. Only 40 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical today. That was all I had in me. Tomorrow since I am off of work, I am going early in the afternoon when the gym is most empty and killing my legs I can't. After the gym, I food prepped.

Whoo, I am glad that is done. Lastly, I wanted to share a progress picture! I am down 25 pounds total, but the below picture is a 12 pound difference. It feels great to see results. I am just going to keep pushing!

I am officially toast, so tired. I am settled in to watch the Grammy's. I can't wait to see Beyonce open the show. How was your weekend?


  1. first I have to say you look amazing girl!!! keep up the awesome work!!!

    you need to post that recipe so I can make those wraps, they look so so good!!!

    your grandparents house is so beautiful!!!

    have a fabulous week gf

  2. I love how close you are to your grandparents. Cherish every minute you can spend with them. I'm sure you already do. What I wouldn't give to be able to have spent time as an adult with any of my grandparents but alas they're not here any more and went way too early.
    You think your grandfather would share the recipe for those pork chops? Um they look heavenly :)

  3. You look amazing!!! Keep it up, lady!

  4. I'm where you're at. I need to loose around 15 pds to get back down to where I like to be. I'm going to tell you what I say to myself all the time so I don't get depressed about it. You know you can do it right? You've done it before. You even have the luxury of knowing that seriously and for sure you can do it. The first time we lost the weight hey it was really only a maybe for both of us. But this time FOR SURE. So you know what its really only doing what we know works for us. Does that help at all? I know it does me. Besides your doing it right. Your not putting your head in the sand and pretending it didn't happen. AND you look awesome sauce! We both got 15 pds to loose, lets DO this thang!

    1. PS what Nancy said, cherish those moments with your grandparents! They are so special!!

    2. Kari, I love the view you have on reaching your goal. You did it before and you WILL do it again!

  5. Way to go, you look great! 25 pounds is amazing.

    A good nights sleep can make all the difference in the world.

    I want your grandparents shower! It is to die for!!!


  6. You inspire me! I am right there on the fitness journey with you. Down to about the last 10-15 lbs. We can do it!!!

  7. you are lookin good girl!
    Can't wait to try the spinach lasagna. Looks so good!

  8. I cannot wait for the spinach lasagna recipe. Yum!
    You look Ah-maz-ing! Get it girl!
    Your grandparents home is amazing and they are adorable! Treasure the moments with them. I lost my last grandparent (my grandma) Jan 1, 2013, and I miss them every day.
    I didn't realize that you were in NC too! If I ever go to Charlotte maybe we could meet up?! Did that totally sound creepy? lol :)

  9. you are lookin' great girlfriend! keep it up :)


  10. I Love that you are so close with your grandparents, they look and sound so sweet. :) And I see an amazing difference in your two photos, you go!! :)

  11. Your grandparents house is amazing! Nothing better than reading by the fireplace. You are killing it in the gym and the results are showing! Looking great girl!

  12. How adorable are your grandparents? You're killing it, chickie! Way to go on the progress, and meal prep!

  13. great job!

    i wish i still had grandparents! how cute that your papa cooks you chops whenever you stay over there :)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  14. Great picture - the 12 lb difference is so noticeable. I am new to your blog and I can't wait to read about your story. Can't wait to see that pasta recipe.

  15. You look so good girl! Keep up the good work! You are so pretty and so inspiring!
    and yum... lets see that recipe asap! I love anything spinach!
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  16. Girllllll look at you! Congrats on another 2 lbs down this past week! You are a freaking rock star! The lasagna looks amazing and I cant wait for the recipe! I always need some new recipes in my life!

    I am glad that you had a good time with your grandparents. Embrace every moment of that! I really miss my grandmother. How sweet of your papa to cook you pork chops. They sound delish!

    Thanks for always being an inspiration!

  17. Are you willing to share your current height and weight and what your short term goal is? Either way, you have a great shape, and look amazing right now, if you never lost another inch.

  18. I'm glad you had such a great weekend!!! You're looking awesome!

  19. Looking good Liz! And sounds like a WONDERFUL weekend!

  20. You look great! And I've got to try that recipe! I LOVE spinach!

  21. Congrats on your progress! I have made those spinach rollups before, they are quite tasty. I've even made them using Eggplant instead of lasagna noodles! Your grandparent's house is beautiful. I hope you enjoyed your visit!

  22. Congratulations on your progress! You look great and are so dedicated!! :)

  23. You look great, good for you! It looks like you even prep your breakfast? I do not really like reheated eggs but I will eat them if they are in muffin form :)

    I love it when people are close with their family, like you are with your grandparents!

  24. You are rocking it!!! And looks like a wonderful weekend with your grandparents I LOVE spending time with my grandparents!


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