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August 7, 2013

Uh-oh My Boy CURLipop!

I just had to title my post that. Do y'all remember that song? I don't... well kind of. I remember hearing it on "Spice World" back in the day when the Spice Girls (OMG, love, right?) were on that lake in a boat... or something. OK anyways.

I have been debating on buying a curling wand for months. I live for my hot rollers, but I wanted to try something different. I have been thinking about it a lot lately, so I just decided to finally go for it. The next question was; how much am I willing to spend? Well, I said $30. A girl has a budget right now. I am constantly going to the beach and I am hosting an Ulta giftcard giveaway for my fabulous beautiful blog reader's, so a girl has to keep her finances in check. I finally decided on "Bed Head's" CURLIPOP. I love Bed Head and Curlipop was just too cute so I had to get it. So far, so good.
I love big hair. Honey, I should have been a young adult in the 80's because I would have owned that decade. My first "hoorah" with the Curlipop was a success. I washed and conditioned my hair, put on BLOW's heat protector, and "Big Sexy Hair" root lifter on my roots, then dried my hair. For my first experience, I just did 50% of my hair in curls, that way I would just have all over BIG spiral curls, instead of a LOT of tighter curls. I really like it! This weekend for my movie date, I will try all over tighter curls. It's absolutely worth the $30 bucks. And hey if you win my Ulta Giveaway, you can go buy one and still have $10 bucks left over. Heh.

Playing with my new curl wand and taking pictures reminded me of this past weekend. I took some pictures of my Grandmother Mary, my dad's mother, while I was at his house. My grandmother died when my dad was 14 years old. I never got to meet her.
How beautiful is she? Her name was Mary Harrison Taylor. She was stunning, but was conflicted inside. She was carefree woman but slowly digressed into an alcoholic. When she was younger, she sounded like she was so much like me. I truly believe her part of her soul was born into me when I was born. She did make-up at Belk in the 1950's! I also did make up and love it. She was always into fashion, looking her best, and my Grandfather totally spoiled her. She was his little doll. For some reason, unbeknownst to me or my father, she slipped into bad depression as my dad and aunt grew older. When my dad would come home from grade school, she would be passed out on the floor. Finally, when she was 39 years old, her liver gave out and she passed away. It breaks my heart to think about this. What I wouldn't give to meet her, but at least I feel like a part of her is inside of me. 

Fun fact: Her middle name is "Harrison" she was named after my great, great, great Uncle - the 9th President of the US; William Henry Harrison. I am blood related to two prior US Presidents. How cool!

Rocking big fun curls made it easier to get through the work day. Is this week crazy busy and out of control for anyone else? August is the busiest month for me at my job and OMG I am feeling it. Luckily, Marquis has been a little ball of positivity for me. 
Sunday evening we were watching "America's Got Talent", one of our favorites shows, via DVR so we could catch up and we heard that the top 10 acts are going on tour. I immediately jumped for joy and told Marquis we HAD to book tickets. Luckily, he was just as excited, so he immediately went into our home office, hopped on the computer, and booked us front row seats. I love him... SOMETIMES. That was so nice of him! So, Monday October 7th, we are road tripping to Raleigh for the show!

I am finally learning more and more in the Blogging world. One thing I noticed is; I didn't have a Blog button. I want you guys to be able to take me with you ;) so I made one all by myself. My BFF Karly helped a little though! If you want to swap buttons, Tweet or comment me and let me know. Also, if you add my button to your page for at least until my Giveaway is over, you get TEN entries. The code is to your right ----->

 Grab button for YOUR BLOG NAME

Lots of fun link up's going on today, so be sure to check out my "Join the Party" page and go make some fabulous new friends!


  1. Seeing how I am from South Texas I love big hair also, however have struggled to get it. I do so little with my long hair it's not even funny. I've been wanting a round brush for volume lately and a wand also. I have curlers just never use them. What hairspray do you use?! I want a good/cheap one that won't make it feel 100% stiff.

    New follower on Bloglovin! :)

  2. What a sad and touching story about your Grandma. She was so stylish.

    Your hair looks amazing! Very va va voom!

    I wish I could get my hair to be thick and full of curls. Alas my hair is naturally fine and straight as a pin. I can curl it and 1 minute later it is flat again.


  3. Love the hair!!! I may have to invest in that curling iron!!

  4. hi thanks for stopping by my blog.I was really entertained there about the story of your grandma,it's interesting. Just like you I love big hair too, but my Asian straight hair Is so stubborn and only hot rollers could tame it pretty well.Im going to try that bead head curlipops coz I want big hair just like that, you style it really good too.Btw, im following you.

  5. I love the hair!! Beautiful!!
    I should really try some of that root lift as my hair is about as flat as they come!!!

  6. You hair is soooo pretty girl! xox

  7. I haven't ventured into curling wand territory yet, but your hair looks perfect! Love it!

  8. absolutely love this post! i identify with my grandmother sooo much! she passed away when i was a tween as well and whenever i get ready i think of her. she taught me to apply makeup in natural lighting, to use powder sparingly and that a neautral pink goes A LONG WAY. I remember when she was burried they tried applying a darker mauve colored lipstick and i thought "no, no no... pink is a must" haha <3

  9. I want a curling wand SO bad but I would do one of two things-- burn the house down or burn myself horribly.

  10. I am loving your hair! I definitely wish I knew how to get more volume, and I wish I knew how get my hair to hold a curl... let alone curl it ha ha!
    Love the button!

  11. Your hair looks gorgeous! I've been wanting to try a curling wand too. Curls never hold up well when I use a curling iron.

    The Tiny Heart
    Rad Market Giveaway!

  12. Love those curls! I am so jealous! I can never fix my hair like that.

    :) Liz @

  13. Well HERE it is ;) haha I was looking at the bottom of the post I guess. Thanks for the advice, I bought it at lunch! Lol

  14. Beautiful! I think I need to get one! I love big hair too, it's one of the many reasons I should have been born in the south. Any product tips for hair that won't hold a curl?


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