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July 25, 2013

High Five! (Birthday Weekend!)

I am starting the "Five on Friday" link up fun a little early!

Before I start, The Huffington Post and AOL featured my weight loss story. If you are interested you can read it here!

(1) My birthday is Tuesday (July 30th! Leo, baby!) and I am going to be 24 years old. Holla!

(2) I'm taking off to the beach in the morning to go have some fun in the sun and soak up the salty air. In my world, I use every excuse possible to go to the beach, so I'm celebrating my birthday there!

(3) Since I am going to the beach, every girl should travel in style, right? I love my new zebra print luggage set, so fun!

(4) I have crazy new glasses, that are a little absub. But I don't care, I love it!

(5) Over the past 4 weeks, I have really stuck to clean eating, very limited wine consumption, and hard workout's, but I will blow it all at the beach. I'm starting to see some good muscle definition!

What's your 5 things you want to blog about today? Link up!


  1. Happy early birthday from one Leo to another :)

  2. Happy Early Birthday! Have fun at the beach and that is a cute new luggage set! Love the glasses.

  3. Happy birthday! Have a blast at the beach!


  4. Just found your blog through link up. Love it plus you are so pretty!

    I Pink i Love You

  5. Also found your blog through the link-up! I am local Charlotte blogger as well. Your story is very inspiring so I can't wait to follow you and hear more! Happy Friday.

  6. um, I kinda need to know what Lipstick your wearing in that pic ASAP lol!

    Your so gorg! Happy Birthday, Beautiful <3

  7. congrats on your weight loss success! you look fabulous! happy birthday!!!

  8. Congrats on your success! That's awesome! Ok, I'm totally loving those glasses! I just posted on my 5 on Friday that I NEED some 'nerd' glasses in my life, asap! Found you on the linkup. Happy Birthday!

  9. I just read your story in your "about me" you're truly an inspiration! Glad you found me :)

  10. Happy early birthday! Love the new glasses!

  11. Found you from the blog hop, just read your if I follow you section. I think it is very insightful of you. I agree this blog world can be hard at times. I am trying to get back into shape after having a baby, looking forward to getting some fitness inspiration from you!

  12. Love those glasses on you! So pretty :)

    Sincerely Miss Ash

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Great stuff!! I need to get back on my wagon...I started this morning with a 5:30am workout followed by a shake and plan to attack myself again after supper tonight before our ball game. I NEED it!! Any pointers you can flip my way are totally appreciated :)

  14. Have fun on your beach holiday!!!



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